warning dial-ups, graphics here

Apr 09, 2007 00:27

Ok, the doctor and I had a talk. Translation, the doctor talked and I listened. I'm in trouble! Physically I mean. I need to lose 100 pounds, bring down my chloresteroll, and my blood pressure. This is it. I'm in a pre-diabetic state. I don't have diabetes, but the numbers make me a very good candidate for it. So I will lose. I have to. The end. It's not for looks. It's not for beauty or esteem. My health is in danger.

So I was talking to scifichicx, who, might I add, is my new personal goddess. I worship the ground she walks on. We're going to start together, hoping to motivate each other. I just joined e-diets, which is not cheap, but I need the help. I can't do this alone. So, we're going to start with small goals. We've agreed on aiming for at least 5 pounds the first two weeks, with a deadline of the 23rd of April.

Tomorrow, I'll update with my weight, height, all that stuff, take measurements and the like. I'm going to take a guess and say 267 pounds. The doctor's scale said 271, but the scale always weighs me more than my own. So I'm not sure who's right. I know I have a 44" for my bra. I want to try to get down to 160-180. The food isn't so much a problem, I just need to get myself moving.

I can do this. Now that I have scifichicx as my double trouble parnter in exercise crime. SWEET.


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