May 15, 2005 14:25

Just because your character is not the subject of worship by all doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else. Are you hormonal or menstrual, or is this just your normal attitude. God, I would NOT want to live with you. You do not have to like everything that happens in the group, be it IC or OOC. You should, however, deal with it on some sort of mature level, not whining to another player when the mod doesn't do anything, BECAUSE IT'S STUPID SHIT. You're older than I am, for crying out loud. Could you possibly talk TO me instead of about me?! “Oh, well she's never on-line.” Flimsy pathetic excuse, email me or comment me if you have to.

Do you think people like getting dragged into OOC chat rooms night after night, just to hear you bitching and whining about how things aren't going your way, when all they want to do is log on and have fun RP'ing? Have a tantrum while you're at it? You're supposed to be an adult?

I put a lot into my characters, and I get affected as well. There have been times in some scenes where I also feel what my character feels. I'll laugh, I'll cry, whatever. That's a sign of good writing. But no matter how well-done, the character is not, I repeat, NOT REAL! YOU ARE NOT YOUR CELEBRITY, GET OVER IT. If you don't like me, that's fine, but fo NOT tell other people how they are supposed to feel, how they are supposed to play, or what sl's they're in. It's just a freaking game. Get over it.

Sigh I'm done.
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