Mom's at the movie

May 23, 2005 12:11

Here where we live there’s a bunch of us moms that get together two days a month to go see a movie. Kelly (the organizer) sends out an email list of movies to all of us then we send back the two movies from the list we would most like to see and what days of the week we would be able to go. We can take our children into the movie with us or leave them at an onsite child-care. The child-care is recommended for movies rated PG-13 to R. Kelly started this group because there is a theater here that has a program called Moms Matinee every Tuesday but Tuesday just was not working for a lot of moms that she knew. She started a group, which she calls Moms at the Movie where, as I said before, she sends out an email list of movies (or by mail if you request) then we pick the two movies we most would like to see and what days of the week we would be able to go. Once the movies are chosen she organizes the groups then we go and have a good time at the movies. She worked out a deal with the theater for a group price (which is lower than the matinee price but it must be during the day before matinee ends) and with the onsite child-care (it is in a mall and a very nice and well run place).

Today we are going to watch Crash.

movies and movie reviews

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