Dec 01, 2006 14:35

It's World Aids Day today, and I've seen hardly anyone wearing red. I had intended to get hold of a red t-shirt, but I haven't had time, so I dug out my red scarf and wore that instead. Even though I've mentioned it a few times only one of my housemates that I've seen is wearing red as well.

It seems to me that people have stopped caring so much. To many HIV/AIDs is a problem of the past, and not something that is as important any more. I think the problem mainly lies in that whenever HIV is mentioned in the news it's in regards to developing countries and the fact that it's still rife in the developed world never even gets a passing mention.

With that said, if you aren't already, try to find something red to wear, even if it's only a ribbon. And light a candle, both virtual and real if you can.

world aids day

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