I knew it! I shouldn't have watched the last episode of Sapuri before going to bed.. Now my eyes are all red, my eyebags bigger and darker and i can't breathe properly because my nose is clogged up with all the crying. Shit. I'm such a crybaby. That's why I decided that I hate dramas. All sorts. But Sapuri is not even that much of a drama! Oh well, I've already seen this coming. It's the last episode, I was bound to cry. *sighs* Well truthfully, I like it when I cry when watching a drama because most of the time, it means that that drama has made an impact on me. But then that's not the case all the time because i easily cry over the simplest of things and i'm very much easy to please *groans*
Too bad i couldn't find a promotional picture of Sapuri with Kame and the lead actress with it. So here are just some adorable pictures of Kame from an episode of Cartoon Kat-tun taken from
ilu_kame's journal. *__*
*sighs* Kame is just too adorable...*sighs* Just looking at him....I wonder if anyone can die from too much fangurling???