i seek the charateristics of love

Mar 08, 2007 14:33

Love does not burn others, it burns itself. Therefore, a satyagrahi, i.e., a civil resister, will joyfully suffer even unto death.It follows, therefore, that a civil resister, whilst he will strain every nerve to compass the end of the existing rule, will do no intentional injury in thought, word or deed to the person of a single Englishman.-gandi

lets look at the metaphore of love/fire, why does this get chosen oh so much(i do use it myself many of times)

-fire and love is consuming

-fire and love need constant fuel or attention

-fire and love are beautiful

-fire and love are not quite understood

-fire and love if either are fueled wrong will destroy you

-fire and love are hated and loved by society

-fire and love need sacrifice of something else(the fuel)

-fire and love both seem to have there own course in life

-fire and love both are pretty awsome on cold lonely nights

-fire and love does not "exist"(in the physical sense fire is just a chemical reaction its heat and light and both dont truly exist) but effect us more than probally than most things that do exist

-fire and love both have been sought after sense cavemen

-fire and love both destroys impurities

-fire nad love both light the world around us

as you can see the list can go on forever and ever but to say that"Love does not burn others" this i do not understand because i see true love of any type as a interconnection/interelationship between two parties(me and you,me and nature, me and god, me and a group of people ect) so whatever happens to party A effects party B, this is the beauty of love when one grows the other grows so both grows, you are no longer I but US, so whatever "fire" consumes it has to consume both it has to effect both so to say that the fire is one sided is contraditory to what love is, it might not burn as much but it still burns it still consumes destroys(of course i mean create but the english launguege sucks at seperating the two)

hahaha wait off subject(kinda) if love is a interrelationship then what is love of oneself, what does it mean when you love yourself, who the fuck is the relationship hahaha what if it is the relationship of body to mind mind to soul or whatever combination you want to give it, what if it is the end of the struggle between the parties, for example it is when your body stops trying to overstep its bounds and control the mind or soul, i am not saying not give imput because at least the body and mind give and kinda need input from each other to co exist(lets talk about the soul another day shall we)so when the body grows so does the mind and vis versa hahaha okay we fig it out and both can express the soul better hahahaha sweet a teet

im tired of typing maybe ill edit this later and add on

its not like your going to add your input anyways

hahahah does that mean you truly dont love me

when a grows so does b there will never be Ab just ab or AB in the math that is love
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