kill me heal me; episode 17 & 18

Mar 12, 2015 01:54

Finally, answers, answers of what really happened in the past. The previous two episodes was filled with bawling as well. (When you love a person too much, you got to leave them. An expected thing on dramaland, eh? haha) Though there’s so much baggage from cha do hyun’s personality disorder and from what mystery the past has, the drama has successfully balanced all its sleekness in delivering the comedy and melodrama. Applause

So Ri-jin revived memories from her childhood and as she looked at the picture of her mother and her, she had recalled the moment where her mother shouts for Do-hyun’s name. In her surprise, in the memory she restored, the Do-hyun her mother was calling was her. Then she cried and cried and cried.

On the other side, Cha Do-hyun woke up and found a little girl at the foot of the bed, sitting, staring at him. This sight was just created in Do-hyun’s head as he unravel the hidden memories he have. (Creepy, I mean if this scene has happened in real life, I’d freaked out and screamed the hell out of me HAHA but it’s dramaland; however the girl looks alright and not at all scary) This girl who held a bear with her introduced herself as Cha Do-hyun. Different emotions washed over Do-hyun’s face as this revelation came into him.

Here is another weeping scene for Dohyun-ssi. Ri-jin made a video an put the file beside Do-hyun's medicine. In here she knew if Cha-gun's watching the video, she knew he was a having a hard time. Saying they'll fill all the bad memories with all the good memories &&& she confess that she like him. ㅠㅠ Do-hyun faltered and again started crying. Daaaaamn

Se-gi was baaaaaaaack!!! Grandmother told Do-hyun what happened twenty-one years ago on the fire that occured in the mansion that caused his father to comatose state. His father always locked up the little girl and the boy always visits this girl. On that day, his father revealed to the public that he has a son. He went inside the mansion to find his son and found him in the basement with the little girl his father have always hated and hurt. His grandmother told him that it was him who she saw at the basement - the one dragging a container of gasoline and a match on another hand. It means that he started the fire. Do-hyun realized that that was the time Se-gi appeared. The voila, Shin Se-gi's back and went to Ri-jin.

Alex, who knows Do-hyun's disorder tried to threatened him by exposing it to the public but he'd do the otherwise in exchange of a big amount of money. Ri-jin stepped out and went to talk to Alex because she doesn't want Se-gi to use violence (but obviously it was of no use duh but it was so nice of her gahhh) In the end, Se-gi came to rescue and there's knife and blood and voila Do-hyun's back.

So after their trip that was shown in the previous episode and the dramatic separation, Dohyun and Rijin met again. He asked if she remembers about the name and said sorry for stealing it from her &&&& this is her reply to him:

"cha-gun who came to look after me every night while putting his life on the line. you were my savior and hope. that's how I was able to endure it, while waiting for you. the reason why my heart wasn't broken into pieces was because of you, cha do-hyun. because of me, your heart was broken into pieces, always fighting for different personalities to protect your name, i know how hard you worked cha-gun. and so, I'll give it to you as a present. the name, cha do hyun"((MELTED MY FCKNG HEART GUYS ㅠㅠ))

And his reply was after other personalities started appearing and here it is:

"although we parted from our childhood, i still feel our connection. i thought it would be painful for you if you were by my side, and i thought by seeing me would cause pain on you so i sent you away. i learned that you not being by my side was more painful. so i'm saying this, don't go, stay with me."

And a parade of personalities hahahaha Perry Park first, then Ahn Yo Sub and Ahn Yo Na. (Maybe, maybe this is the last time they're appearing huhuhuhu though I want Cha-gun to heal, these personalities are so adorable huhuhu but i know all of them will always be in Cha-gun. No i am not saying bye bye hahaha)

And tadaaaaaaa~ the ending, they're back in the company and Rijin literally swang into Do-hyun's arms. hihi

I haven't written about kmhm before and this is a first here idek why i made this. Prolly because I just can't help but feel sad that this drama's gonna end today. My sad dramaland feelz' overflowing.


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