My Classroom - SIMM
Today’s the very first day of lesson I’m attending and I almost late for school. Haha.
Mostly of the people were relatively working adults, and coming study together with their friends.
Anyway, the lecturer is exceptionally hilarious in his teaching style, unlike those dead-teaching styles. I got my teams form while having lunch, perhaps its all fated to be. As I’m too lazy to go out to coffee shop to eat so I decided to eat at the staff canteen. This is where I met them. Lucky me, I thought I’m going to be solo cause I don’t interact with others. YES la, I’m anti-social one. LOL.
I cant help it to yawn during his lecture most of the time, almost falling asleep with I stare on the screen for not more than 10 mins.
After school, met up with the girls and went for sy’s chalet. We were rather bored, hungry and extremely sweltering when we reached the chalet! Nothing much though, we just entertain ourselves and spend most of the time walking here and there. There’s no room to have us 4 around, either kena chase out by small kid, or too many people to crowd. We were all drop dead waiting for geok’s dad till 2am plus, nevertheless, still thank you for sending us to out sweet home! Heheh.
till then, we'll meet again.