Dec 26, 2008 23:28
I should start writing on paper. I don't have a notebook with me, so it will have to wait until i get to Sackville. Am I capable of writing something that's more than a spew of words?
I've been reading an anthology my mother brought home from the library. It's a collection of short pieces, all non-fiction, by twenty-somethings and teens. This story doesn't get told often enough, and when it does, it too often comes off as a cliché. If I want my story to be told, I have to tell it. But do I have a story to tell?
That's a recurring question in my life. I feel as if I have little to contribute, nothing to say. The result is that I don't get to have a voice. But do those feelings reflect truth?
This urge to document is nothing new. How to make sense of a life? How to create a narrative rather than a series of fragments? And perhaps my life is a series of fragments.
I've doubted my abilities. I've wondered whether I'm wasting time and money when other people are better at creating. Some are, it's true, but I still have this need. There's little to be gained from ignoring it.
Yesterday was the first day here that I was able to compose at all. It's not likely to lead to much just yet: I don't have the tools here and there are distractions. What I do have is an idea, a fragment and a sense of direction to go with it. Possibilities.