Children of Men~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The youngest person in the world has just died; the world is in completely chaos. Britain is the only country left standing, oh and I forgot, women can’t have babies. Sound like the distant future, well it might not be too distant. Welcome to Children of Men. This movie is a high paced powerhouse that keeps the hits coming right up until the explosive ending. This whale of a tail stars Clive Owen as our protagonist who is thrust into the ‘terrorist’ group named Fish. He is recruited/kidnapped by his former wife, who needs his help. The group Fish fights for the rights of all the immigrants, illegal or not, who are being kept in concentration like camps. You see, because England is the only country still standing, everyone wants in, but no one is allowed. So what Fish want our hero to do is help a girl across the country to a boat. Why you ask, because a miracle has happened, this girl is pregnant. Through many twists and plenty of action, including one amazingly done 10 minute scene shot entirely in one take. The action is not the only draw to this film; the story is amazing and well done. Everything is explained, and crammed into your head making you feel like your eyes are the cameras. Although there are many undertones, there is a predominant overtone of George Orwell, making this a must see for any literature loving viewer. Although you don’t need to understand the undertones, they sure as hell make it a lost more interesting. The ending, is absolutely amazing, although it is loved by little hated by many. It’s going to be a great ending for you or your going to think it was too abrupt. But overlooking it, there is one other flaw, the beginning is like a car accelerating, it starts out slow and get higher and higher. But the slow beginning brings it down a little, but not much. This is a must-see for any thinker or reader especially, but also great for everyone because it balances everyone so nicely. All and all, this is an amazing movie.
My Score: A
+ (great mood, well explained, It has something for everyone)
- (A little slow to start, and the ending may be a turn off for some)
IMDB Score: