Teh WoWs

Nov 10, 2005 00:21

Huzzah! For those of you that don't read the wow forums, 12 months of australians nagging for their own servers has finally paid off....kinda.

Over the last few weeks, Blizzard have basically said that while they aren't about to open up locally based aus servers in the near future, they would be willing to tag some new US based servers as Oceanic-preferred realms, so that australians actually have a place to go. The stipulations for us getting these servers of course being that:
-Although they may end up being moved and locally hosted in the future, for now they will still be US west coast based. (ping will still be the same. It seems 1 in 5 people fails to understand this concept)
-Maintenance will still run at the same time as the other US servers (ie. peak Aus time on a Tuesday night)
-There won't be any character transfers until paid transfers are introduced later.

So as of this morning, we now have both a PvP (Frostmourne) and PvE (Khaz'goroth) server to bombard with general aussie banter and nonsense. So far, despite the fact that the starting areas are completely swamped with people screaming "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!" it's been pretty cool.

The upside to all this is that there'll actually be a significant number of people on during our peak hours for a change, so getting groups/raids/battlegrounds going shouldn't be as much of a hassle. They also changed the in-game clock to our timezone, so now we can participate in timed events such as the fishing competition without having to get up at some crazy hour~

All up, while it's not the best solution, it's better than a kick in the face. So if anybody feels like starting a fresh hordie with all the other aussie yobbos, give us a shout. Seeing as I'm a reroll whore(and exams are over) I'll probably be doing most of my wowing there from now on~
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