It HAS been forever! *hugs* Not much new here, working and being sick AGAIN! I just got over a cold a few weeks ago and I have one again or maybe I never really got over it at all.
I completely can't believe it's going to be over, I am in serious denial.
With both shows, there isn't much to say is there, it's like 'well I SO don't understand so I guess I just sit back and watch' I mean Lost? WTFRAK!? They just *POOF* ARE back on the island? And people were saying they were the ones shooting at Sawyer and Juliet in the canoe but that doesn't make sense. But I suppose it could be the OTHER OTHER OTHERS, the survivors of the Ajira flight. There really need to NOT be any more OTHERS! And Caprica pregnant? Why even have that storyline and than have her loose the baby? It doesn't make any sense to me. And Galen! Voting to LEAVE? I am not happy about that.
And I found Paneer and it isn't what it cracked up to be. I fried it, but it was pretty boring. LOL I guess I'll just enjoy it at the Indian restaurant and have fond memories of how good it was. :)
Well, next week will probably be equally crazy, but if all goes well, I'll have some time off the week after and then I'll hopefully I'll start my new job! Hey, I hope you'll feel better, it does sound like you never really got over it in the first place! Take care!
(I am, by the way, I am completely and utterly in love with Legend of the Seeker, and not just for it's abundance of PRETTEH horses. Did you ever watch Robin Hood? It sort of reminds me of it, with Kahlan being ridiculously pretty, but more badass than Marian.)
I am in serious denial, too! It's like I keep thinking that there will just be a long hiatus again. No new BSG again ever? Lol, I've given up trying to follow discussion and theories on LOST, it's way too confusing. Honestly, there are too many others. And seriously, the story with Caprica? And how are they going wrap up all those storylines in four episodes? I mean, seriously! And we still don't know what happened to Kara, but I guess we may find out next week.
Lol, I think paneer is kinda like tofu. By itself it doesn't taste like much, it needs lots of tasty sauce or something. I haven't had Indian in a while, good idea! I'm trying not to buy too much food, because I might be moving soon, so some takeout maybe :D
I am so thrilled for you that you might get he job! That is awesome news!
I am not usually a sickly person but this seems to be a reappearance of the cold I had at Christmas and I am getting damn sick of it!
Legend of the Seeker is SOOO pretty. Kahlan is gorgeous in her perpetually white dress and you are right, much more badass than Marion, though Marion had her moments when she was the masked whatever she was called. I screen cap LotS here and there because I just can't help myself. I have plans to make some headers, I never do but this show and the pretty colors are so inspiring. I must keep Kara and Lee though to the end but I might be too heart broken to keep them on my header so maybe something mindless like Richard and Kahlan will be next if I can get it together. Next week's episode of LotS is going to be so frakking hot, did you see previews? They both get taken over by something evil and I don't see much clothing in the quick shot I saw. WHOA! lol
Next week looks like we'll get some Kara and some Boomer. I'm working on a Boomer/Chief fanmix that I hope to post today. I hope RDM doesn't frak them up too! I need ONE happy ending on this damn show! I was so desperate for one I was even going to make myself be happy with a happy ending for Tigh and Six and when I say that, you know I'M DESPERATE because that still squicks me out. What happened to her love for Gauis anyway? Head. Hurts. Must. Nap. Now.
Yeah, I think you are right, paneer needs a little help in the flavor department. oh well. :) I tried.
I still think I'm in so weird dream-like state and this new cool job thing isn't really happening at all.
That cold thing doesn't sound good. Lots of people have been sicklish around here, too. It's been quite cold and snowing a lot.
I know, right? I was awed by LotS from the beginning with the lush greens and the sand dunes and Kahlan and her white dress. And then she put on that green robe and my jaw DROPPED. I'm only up to episode 6, but I'm totally spoiled for all the rest. I want to inhale nothing but Seeker these days! Marian definitely had her moments and her dresses were definitely more pretty, but honestly, when Kahlan fights in that white dress, nothing else matters. (Why yes, I absolutely have a new obsession. The rabid fangirl has made a reappearance :) I've been meaning to redo my layout (it's too dark and gives me a headache), LotS just might be the inspiration I needed :) Lol, Richard and Kahlan MINDLESS? Trust me, they'll be epic and dark and twisty in their own right (bright shiny futures are overrated anyway).
Dude, I'm only up to episode 7 (lol, yes between that paragraph and the last, I finished and started another - almost up to 8, wheeee!). I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE EPISODE WITH NOT THAT MUCH CLOTHING. YES PLEASE? Have to find that preview NOW.
Next week's BSG sounds like a Kara-centric ep. I'm still hoping for some sort of happy ending for them. Can't ever give up! And yesh, Tigh/Six FREAKED ME OUT! Seriously, I was cringing EVERY TIME they were on screen. EWEWEWEW, WRONG!
Well maybe if I can get the headers done soon, you can see if there is one that you are motivated to use :) I just meant mindless as in pretty ;) but you are right, they will be epic.
I completely can't believe it's going to be over, I am in serious denial.
With both shows, there isn't much to say is there, it's like 'well I SO don't understand so I guess I just sit back and watch' I mean Lost? WTFRAK!? They just *POOF* ARE back on the island? And people were saying they were the ones shooting at Sawyer and Juliet in the canoe but that doesn't make sense. But I suppose it could be the OTHER OTHER OTHERS, the survivors of the Ajira flight. There really need to NOT be any more OTHERS! And Caprica pregnant? Why even have that storyline and than have her loose the baby? It doesn't make any sense to me. And Galen! Voting to LEAVE? I am not happy about that.
And I found Paneer and it isn't what it cracked up to be. I fried it, but it was pretty boring. LOL I guess I'll just enjoy it at the Indian restaurant and have fond memories of how good it was. :)
(I am, by the way, I am completely and utterly in love with Legend of the Seeker, and not just for it's abundance of PRETTEH horses. Did you ever watch Robin Hood? It sort of reminds me of it, with Kahlan being ridiculously pretty, but more badass than Marian.)
I am in serious denial, too! It's like I keep thinking that there will just be a long hiatus again. No new BSG again ever? Lol, I've given up trying to follow discussion and theories on LOST, it's way too confusing. Honestly, there are too many others. And seriously, the story with Caprica? And how are they going wrap up all those storylines in four episodes? I mean, seriously! And we still don't know what happened to Kara, but I guess we may find out next week.
Lol, I think paneer is kinda like tofu. By itself it doesn't taste like much, it needs lots of tasty sauce or something. I haven't had Indian in a while, good idea! I'm trying not to buy too much food, because I might be moving soon, so some takeout maybe :D
I am not usually a sickly person but this seems to be a reappearance of the cold I had at Christmas and I am getting damn sick of it!
Legend of the Seeker is SOOO pretty. Kahlan is gorgeous in her perpetually white dress and you are right, much more badass than Marion, though Marion had her moments when she was the masked whatever she was called. I screen cap LotS here and there because I just can't help myself. I have plans to make some headers, I never do but this show and the pretty colors are so inspiring. I must keep Kara and Lee though to the end but I might be too heart broken to keep them on my header so maybe something mindless like Richard and Kahlan will be next if I can get it together. Next week's episode of LotS is going to be so frakking hot, did you see previews? They both get taken over by something evil and I don't see much clothing in the quick shot I saw. WHOA! lol
Next week looks like we'll get some Kara and some Boomer. I'm working on a Boomer/Chief fanmix that I hope to post today. I hope RDM doesn't frak them up too! I need ONE happy ending on this damn show! I was so desperate for one I was even going to make myself be happy with a happy ending for Tigh and Six and when I say that, you know I'M DESPERATE because that still squicks me out. What happened to her love for Gauis anyway? Head. Hurts. Must. Nap. Now.
Yeah, I think you are right, paneer needs a little help in the flavor department. oh well. :) I tried.
Yay for takeout.
That cold thing doesn't sound good. Lots of people have been sicklish around here, too. It's been quite cold and snowing a lot.
I know, right? I was awed by LotS from the beginning with the lush greens and the sand dunes and Kahlan and her white dress. And then she put on that green robe and my jaw DROPPED. I'm only up to episode 6, but I'm totally spoiled for all the rest. I want to inhale nothing but Seeker these days! Marian definitely had her moments and her dresses were definitely more pretty, but honestly, when Kahlan fights in that white dress, nothing else matters. (Why yes, I absolutely have a new obsession. The rabid fangirl has made a reappearance :) I've been meaning to redo my layout (it's too dark and gives me a headache), LotS just might be the inspiration I needed :) Lol, Richard and Kahlan MINDLESS? Trust me, they'll be epic and dark and twisty in their own right (bright shiny futures are overrated anyway).
Dude, I'm only up to episode 7 (lol, yes between that paragraph and the last, I finished and started another - almost up to 8, wheeee!). I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE EPISODE WITH NOT THAT MUCH CLOTHING. YES PLEASE? Have to find that preview NOW.
Next week's BSG sounds like a Kara-centric ep. I'm still hoping for some sort of happy ending for them. Can't ever give up! And yesh, Tigh/Six FREAKED ME OUT! Seriously, I was cringing EVERY TIME they were on screen. EWEWEWEW, WRONG!
but here is the part that really matters!!!!1
Well maybe if I can get the headers done soon, you can see if there is one that you are motivated to use :) I just meant mindless as in pretty ;) but you are right, they will be epic.
I was faster than you, but the part that really matters is so delicious in all its slo-mo glory.
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