I KNOW!!! Seriously, I just basically explained the whole thing to a friend I had over for dinner and he was all like "IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE" and I was all "BUT IT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE IT SHOULD AND THEN YOU SPEND HOURS TRYING TO PIECE IT TOGETHER".
Also, Charlotte theory? I LIKE IT! I had the same idea about Keamy - it's something about his hair, forehead and lips and eyes that makes me think that he must TOTALLY BE RELATED TO BEN.
ALSO, WHAT IS IT WITH LOCKE AND THE COFFIN AND THE FAKE NAME? JEEZ! GUH AND CLAIRE WITH AARON WAS JUST FREAKING FREAKY! AND WHY DOESN'T SHE WANT AARON TO GO BACK? I think he's the next "chosen one" - the next leader, the heir of the island, so to speak. And that's why the island doesn't want the O5 back without him and that's why Claire doesn't want him to come back, because it will eventually ruin Aaron (like Ben was ruined - in a way, because he made bad "emotional decisions" and killed all the Dharma people).
NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE. WHO IS ONE WHOSE SIDE? THERE ARE TOO MANY SIDES! There's obviously Whidmore and Ben (the prodigal son?). Are Jack and John maybe a next generation Whidmore and Ben (ALL OF THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE AND ALL OF THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Wait, wrong show.) It's so freaking impossible to tell who's good and who's bad. And jesus, Sawyer totally jumped because he wanted Kate to get off the island. He freaking SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HER.
AND JESUS, ALL THAT GUILT OVER LEAVING JIN TO BE BLOWN UP? GAH. Also, is he ... you know, ACTUALLY DEAD? And what about Michael? I mean, it felt like he served his purpose and until the moment that he hadn't, the island wouldn't kill him. AND JEEEEEEZ with Locke taking over Ben. And Ben is obviously far from over, even though he can't make it back to the island, apparently.
So this person you explained it to, has he not seen ANY episodes of just not the last one? Because I tried to explain it to someone who had never watched any episodes and really all she did was look at me like I was crazy. In season one it was great to be able to explain all the randomness and get someone intrigued but now, it's really hard to make it sound good.
Keamy is skeevy looking like Ben but that would have been so Oedipus to have Keamy kill his sibling, Alex and then be killed by his father, Ben. Even for Lost that would have been messed up! LOL
So do you think Dan was close enough to the island that he and his dingy went poof too or is he floating out in the middle of the ocean?
AND WHY DOES EVERYONE KNOW HIM AS THAT NAME??? My dad said he probably gained Ben's ability to come and go on and off the island when he became the big cheese. But how did he die on the mainland? ARG!! TO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!
So my dad said that Kate crying over Aaron was her moment when she knew that she would be going back and taking him and you are so right. I bet he IS the next one! And who is the one right now that Locke is dead?
(ALL OF THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE AND ALL OF THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Wait, wrong show.) OMFG you are too funny! Because who knows, that COULD apply here too! :D ROTFL!!!
Sawyer!! I KNOW!!! That was great! Because it was better than the alternative of him getting to the freighter and going BOOM! Now everyone will be shipping Sawyer and Juliet, both pining for the ones that left. Seems they are in charge of the beach now, eh?
JIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he is dead just like Charlie is. I was thinking that they could set the island back a few minutes and he'd be alive but I don't really think it works that way. That made me so sad. My dad thinks there is a good chance he survived the blast if he was on the stern but he wouldn't have been close enough to the island so even alive and floating, he never would have survived. :( But it's what needed to happen for Sun to turn into this frakking-kick-ass-super-tough-take-no-crap-take-over-her-fathers-company-right-out-from-under-him-and-walk-right-up-to-Whidmore-and-confront-him-Sun.
The only thing that made me able to deal with loosing Jin was seeing Desmond and Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jack saying to him "I'll see you in another life Brotha" because OMG that's what Desmond said to him when they met while running in the stadium seriously another lifetime ago!
We still know nothing about Jacob and seriously are we not going to get a better explanation for Claire's disappearance then she just frakking walked away? AND WHY WASN'T CHARLIE WAITING FOR HER??????????
OY!!! Why is Tv so damn complicated and unsatisfying lately.
I just saw a preview for JJ's new show this fall. I have no idea what the hell its even about. Pacey is all grown up
He's seen S1 and S2 on and off, so he's at least somewhat familiar with the whole concept. I cannot even imagine trying to explain it to someone who hasn't seen it. I vaguely remember when my brother and his girlfriend were watching it and trying to explain it to me. But I was talking about the frozen donkey wheel and he was just like THE WHAT NOW?
Oh man, OEDIPUS ANGLE. I AM NOW SO SOLD ON THE BEN/KEAMY. But a lot of people on Lost have freaky eyes or maybe it's just the way it's filmed? And at least Alex wasn't erally Ben's daughter (although with those eyes ...?)
Oy and Dan! My theory regarding Dan and the dingy is that it moved WITH the island, basically trapping Dan on the island. Why? So that he can continue crushing on Charlotte and be adorably awkward. Plus, there was that shot of where the island used to be and there wasn't a boat anywhere. So yeah, they were probably close enough to be moved with the island. I NEED ME SOME DAN LOVE, DAMMIT! And Sawyer and Juliet will be getting it on, after they get tired of pining away after their loved ones have taken a chopper and flew away into the sunset together.
Seriously, what is up with JEREMY BENTHAM? But Ben had tons of fake passports, so may Locke got some, too? But yeah, I'm pretty sure that he inherited the ability to leave the island from Ben along with the responsibility. Maybe to get the others back? To spook Whidmore? To get supplies? Ha, before I want to know HOW he died, I want to know if he's really DEAD or if it's just a big fakeout to trick the O6 into going back.
I hadn't even registered that moment as what it was, but your dad was probably right about that being the moment that Kate knew she was taking him back. And yeah, I was wondering the same thing - who is the new leader? Or will maybe Ben be called back as some sort of substitute until Aaron is ready? But Aaron's still too small - so I'm pretty sure there would be a few leaders in the meantime. Oh and it just occurred to me - WALT! He'd be what - about 14 by that time? I think there was a mention that they were off the island for 3 years? Cause Walt did have all those special powers! And his mother died as well, if that is some sort of prerequisite.
OMFG you are too funny! Because who knows, that COULD apply here too! :D ROTFL!!! Heh, I was cracking myself up with that, because if there is some inheritance thing going on with the island, it wouldn't be too far off. Plus there was this person that had this whole theory about the island being in a time loop while time outside the island progressed normally. So who are the FINAL FIVE? :)
Man, Sawyer just killed me. He's come so far since Season 1 and unlike all those other Jack/Kate fangirls, I TOTALLY love Sawyer (and dig the whole love triangle). Oh I need to watch that bit with Dan and Charlotte again. Dan better be on the island for S5 - I couldn't wait until S6 for that reunion!
Hmm, I think the only way they could have Jin NOT be dead if he somehow hadn't served his purpose yet. Michael was "unkillable" until he'd served his purpose. Charlie was always supposed to die, but never did until he served his purpose. So there's a loophole as to how they could retcon that he survived, but yeah, he probably is dead.
The part where your dad is watching Lost is awesome. Maybe I should try and get my Dad hooked - that would be quality father/daughter bonding time.
And sheesh, Sun is just amazing, huh? I mean, she kicks ASS in the future. Funny how the women seem to deal much better with being off the island than the men. Maybe it has to do with the Croutons.
AND DESMOND AND PENNY! HOW COULD I FORGET TO MENTION THEM! THAT MADE ME SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY AND IT'S SO FANTASTIC THAT IT WAS PENNY'S BOAT THAT FOUND THEM. And I think we'll be seeing them again, too. I mean, they'll probably get in contact with them when they try to find the island again, right? And the "See you in another life Brotha" thing was CLASSIC! (Except I love it more when Desmond says it. Lol, that would totally be something I'd put on my answering machine. Heheh.)
Character limit is the devileinhorn_13May 31 2008, 17:58:54 UTC
Damn, now we have to wait how long? Is it coming back in 2009? I CAN'T POSSIBLY WAIT THAT LONG.
STILL NO CLUE ABOUT JACOB. And what the hell is going on with Christian Shephard and how is he involved in the whole thang? And yeah, how did he get Claire to just walk off into the night without her baby. Any why doesn't she want him to come back. Where is she? Is she even alive? Also, Ben said that there would be consequences to moving the island. He didn't just mean that he wouldn't be able to go back, did he?
Man, I loved Lost hardcore. That was ACE! It was very confusing, but it also managed to answer quite a few questions, don't you think? For a season finale, I thought it was very damn satisfying. Frustrating, sure. But all those other season finales were so damn lame and Lost was just mindblowing.
Ha, I couldn't figure out what that show is about from the preview. But yes, lol grown-up Pacey. But it sounds interesting enough. But damn, I can't start watching more shows. I'm gonna try and give up a few instead. Will definitely try to quit all CSI franchises, NCIS and House. And maybe finally Grey's.
Also, Charlotte theory? I LIKE IT! I had the same idea about Keamy - it's something about his hair, forehead and lips and eyes that makes me think that he must TOTALLY BE RELATED TO BEN.
ALSO, WHAT IS IT WITH LOCKE AND THE COFFIN AND THE FAKE NAME? JEEZ! GUH AND CLAIRE WITH AARON WAS JUST FREAKING FREAKY! AND WHY DOESN'T SHE WANT AARON TO GO BACK? I think he's the next "chosen one" - the next leader, the heir of the island, so to speak. And that's why the island doesn't want the O5 back without him and that's why Claire doesn't want him to come back, because it will eventually ruin Aaron (like Ben was ruined - in a way, because he made bad "emotional decisions" and killed all the Dharma people).
NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE. WHO IS ONE WHOSE SIDE? THERE ARE TOO MANY SIDES! There's obviously Whidmore and Ben (the prodigal son?). Are Jack and John maybe a next generation Whidmore and Ben (ALL OF THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE AND ALL OF THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Wait, wrong show.) It's so freaking impossible to tell who's good and who's bad. And jesus, Sawyer totally jumped because he wanted Kate to get off the island. He freaking SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HER.
AND JESUS, ALL THAT GUILT OVER LEAVING JIN TO BE BLOWN UP? GAH. Also, is he ... you know, ACTUALLY DEAD? And what about Michael? I mean, it felt like he served his purpose and until the moment that he hadn't, the island wouldn't kill him. AND JEEEEEEZ with Locke taking over Ben. And Ben is obviously far from over, even though he can't make it back to the island, apparently.
Keamy is skeevy looking like Ben but that would have been so Oedipus to have Keamy kill his sibling, Alex and then be killed by his father, Ben. Even for Lost that would have been messed up! LOL
So do you think Dan was close enough to the island that he and his dingy went poof too or is he floating out in the middle of the ocean?
AND WHY DOES EVERYONE KNOW HIM AS THAT NAME??? My dad said he probably gained Ben's ability to come and go on and off the island when he became the big cheese. But how did he die on the mainland? ARG!! TO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!
So my dad said that Kate crying over Aaron was her moment when she knew that she would be going back and taking him and you are so right. I bet he IS the next one! And who is the one right now that Locke is dead?
OMFG you are too funny! Because who knows, that COULD apply here too! :D ROTFL!!!
Sawyer!! I KNOW!!! That was great! Because it was better than the alternative of him getting to the freighter and going BOOM! Now everyone will be shipping Sawyer and Juliet, both pining for the ones that left. Seems they are in charge of the beach now, eh?
JIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he is dead just like Charlie is. I was thinking that they could set the island back a few minutes and he'd be alive but I don't really think it works that way. That made me so sad. My dad thinks there is a good chance he survived the blast if he was on the stern but he wouldn't have been close enough to the island so even alive and floating, he never would have survived. :( But it's what needed to happen for Sun to turn into this frakking-kick-ass-super-tough-take-no-crap-take-over-her-fathers-company-right-out-from-under-him-and-walk-right-up-to-Whidmore-and-confront-him-Sun.
The only thing that made me able to deal with loosing Jin was seeing Desmond and Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Jack saying to him "I'll see you in another life Brotha" because OMG that's what Desmond said to him when they met while running in the stadium seriously another lifetime ago!
We still know nothing about Jacob and seriously are we not going to get a better explanation for Claire's disappearance then she just frakking walked away? AND WHY WASN'T CHARLIE WAITING FOR HER??????????
OY!!! Why is Tv so damn complicated and unsatisfying lately.
I just saw a preview for JJ's new show this fall. I have no idea what the hell its even about. Pacey is all grown up
Oh man, OEDIPUS ANGLE. I AM NOW SO SOLD ON THE BEN/KEAMY. But a lot of people on Lost have freaky eyes or maybe it's just the way it's filmed? And at least Alex wasn't erally Ben's daughter (although with those eyes ...?)
Oy and Dan! My theory regarding Dan and the dingy is that it moved WITH the island, basically trapping Dan on the island. Why? So that he can continue crushing on Charlotte and be adorably awkward. Plus, there was that shot of where the island used to be and there wasn't a boat anywhere. So yeah, they were probably close enough to be moved with the island. I NEED ME SOME DAN LOVE, DAMMIT! And Sawyer and Juliet will be getting it on, after they get tired of pining away after their loved ones have taken a chopper and flew away into the sunset together.
Seriously, what is up with JEREMY BENTHAM? But Ben had tons of fake passports, so may Locke got some, too? But yeah, I'm pretty sure that he inherited the ability to leave the island from Ben along with the responsibility. Maybe to get the others back? To spook Whidmore? To get supplies? Ha, before I want to know HOW he died, I want to know if he's really DEAD or if it's just a big fakeout to trick the O6 into going back.
I hadn't even registered that moment as what it was, but your dad was probably right about that being the moment that Kate knew she was taking him back. And yeah, I was wondering the same thing - who is the new leader? Or will maybe Ben be called back as some sort of substitute until Aaron is ready? But Aaron's still too small - so I'm pretty sure there would be a few leaders in the meantime. Oh and it just occurred to me - WALT! He'd be what - about 14 by that time? I think there was a mention that they were off the island for 3 years? Cause Walt did have all those special powers! And his mother died as well, if that is some sort of prerequisite.
OMFG you are too funny! Because who knows, that COULD apply here too! :D ROTFL!!!
Heh, I was cracking myself up with that, because if there is some inheritance thing going on with the island, it wouldn't be too far off. Plus there was this person that had this whole theory about the island being in a time loop while time outside the island progressed normally. So who are the FINAL FIVE? :)
Man, Sawyer just killed me. He's come so far since Season 1 and unlike all those other Jack/Kate fangirls, I TOTALLY love Sawyer (and dig the whole love triangle). Oh I need to watch that bit with Dan and Charlotte again. Dan better be on the island for S5 - I couldn't wait until S6 for that reunion!
Hmm, I think the only way they could have Jin NOT be dead if he somehow hadn't served his purpose yet. Michael was "unkillable" until he'd served his purpose. Charlie was always supposed to die, but never did until he served his purpose. So there's a loophole as to how they could retcon that he survived, but yeah, he probably is dead.
The part where your dad is watching Lost is awesome. Maybe I should try and get my Dad hooked - that would be quality father/daughter bonding time.
And sheesh, Sun is just amazing, huh? I mean, she kicks ASS in the future. Funny how the women seem to deal much better with being off the island than the men. Maybe it has to do with the Croutons.
AND DESMOND AND PENNY! HOW COULD I FORGET TO MENTION THEM! THAT MADE ME SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY AND IT'S SO FANTASTIC THAT IT WAS PENNY'S BOAT THAT FOUND THEM. And I think we'll be seeing them again, too. I mean, they'll probably get in contact with them when they try to find the island again, right? And the "See you in another life Brotha" thing was CLASSIC! (Except I love it more when Desmond says it. Lol, that would totally be something I'd put on my answering machine. Heheh.)
Damn, now we have to wait how long? Is it coming back in 2009? I CAN'T POSSIBLY WAIT THAT LONG.
STILL NO CLUE ABOUT JACOB. And what the hell is going on with Christian Shephard and how is he involved in the whole thang? And yeah, how did he get Claire to just walk off into the night without her baby. Any why doesn't she want him to come back. Where is she? Is she even alive? Also, Ben said that there would be consequences to moving the island. He didn't just mean that he wouldn't be able to go back, did he?
Man, I loved Lost hardcore. That was ACE! It was very confusing, but it also managed to answer quite a few questions, don't you think? For a season finale, I thought it was very damn satisfying. Frustrating, sure. But all those other season finales were so damn lame and Lost was just mindblowing.
Ha, I couldn't figure out what that show is about from the preview. But yes, lol grown-up Pacey. But it sounds interesting enough. But damn, I can't start watching more shows. I'm gonna try and give up a few instead. Will definitely try to quit all CSI franchises, NCIS and House. And maybe finally Grey's.
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