Mar 07, 2009 09:53
A sacred cow was thrown out the window last night....The erroneous belief that a comic book could not speak of serious subjects,that a comic book movie could not have serious themes. All those pretentious fools and phony intelligentsia looking as the accumulated filth and detritus of there vapid entertainments foam about there waists say " help us from this vapid mess we have created" and I will look down and simply say "no".
Yes the Watchmen was outstandingly cool. Yes there were changes but few and well done..much like with LOTR. I am feverishly awaiting the DVD.....oh yes that should rock even harder.
As for me I have my schedule for next semester ready, I'm prepped for finals,my finacial aid is in place and therapy goes well.
and some random examples form my life. In math I got a 104 pts out of 100..extra credit. I was stunned...but while we were going over the test in class I notice the instructor had made an error and not caught a mistake of mine that made me miss one question.
So knowing me did I stay silent and go yay I mentioned it in the middle of class. I don't know if he changed my grade or not...for me it was just important to say something. I find it hard to take what I haven't earned.
Then going to therapy on the bus...the driver was rude and short..but also drove recklessly. I nearly fell...I grew angry as I had gotten off work went to class and was going to therapy and had not slept that point running sixteen hours awake on maybe four of sleep. So I go back up after catching myself and I speak to the driver that he needs to slow down as some of us have been working and are exhausted and if a passenger fell it could be a bad thing. I then sat down and this tool drove like an overly aggressive teenager. Yes I grew even more angry this assclowns inability to keep calm was putting others in jeopardy. Me I wasn't as concerned with..but....there are a lot of elderly folks that get on that bus line and women with small kids. If they fall it could be a serious injury and not just the annoyance/reason to fight that it would be for me. But I kept some composure...I got off at my stop and I called Tri Met...and reported his reckless driving in detail...yes including bus,route and time.
I found some comfort in that and it worked with my beliefs...its not much but it is enough.
In the end Mi Familia
Still Flyin'