Jun 20, 2006 20:21
Lately, a lot of things happened that simply made me feel like giving up and thinking:
"Well, no matter what I do it won't come out right, so what's the use trying?"
*I got some pretty bad grades in my report card, (and I deserve them) .
*I studied pretty hard for the civics final and yet I seem to have given some wrong answers (where I was very positive of their accuracy), and I'll probably get a pretty bad grade.
*I didn't sign up for moed beit of English final even though the final this year was just plain tricky, and now I don't even know if I can still sign up.
*none of my vacation plans are fully set and I'm beginning to feel a bit uncertain about them...
and some othe things that happened/I did that make me feel like I'm pretty much losing my way...
I really just want to give it all up, crawl into bed and fall asleep- never to be bothered with any of it...
I just really don't feel like I have the confident that if I'll do something it'll come out right...