A couple sketches and movie discussion!

Dec 13, 2009 22:13

Well, we're half way through Decemeber, so I think it's time for a sketch... dump? Well no not really. Pile? Heap? Um... Yeah, just, here you go.

I have been drawing throughout the last couple weeks, but most of them are doodles on my notes or homework. Those are things I post at the end of the semester (This weekend, btw) so expect those... soon.

Some marker practice. They're some kind of... Indian Ink markers. Pretty awesome. The scanner messed with this one a bit...

An idea for a figurine maybe sorta. The legs would be bendable. Two other designs include arms that are like the legs, but with cute little hands at the end, or extremely long wings.

The sequel to the other big, white haired girl pic I did last month. This one had bigger hair though. And is slightly fancier. The scanner did not do this as much justice as I would have liked, buuut I'll live.

So I got Spirit Tracks last Tuesday but I haven't actually played it yet. You can blame Mario & Luigi for this. I've been playing "Bowser's Inside Story" since Thanksgiving and I still haven't beaten it. It's too long. I'm so close to the ending right now that I'm beating it purely out of spite, but it's a 20 hour long game that should last no more than 12 hours. Ridiculous.

Anyway, I'll start on Spirit Tracks as soon as I beat that other game. Then I'm playing The World Ends With You.

I... I really like big hair, okay? This one was inspired by a pic of Keira Knightly in... some.. movie with big hats and hair.

Speaking of movies, I saw a couple this weekend. Major spoilers will be hidden.

First was The Princess and the Frog! This was a movie where I came in knowing what to expect and came out with my mind both blown and disappointed. It's not exactly up to par with some of the Disney greats out there, no Beauty and the Beast. The songs were adequate, definitely enjoyable, they just never quite reached that "level" except for "Friends on the Other Side", which was AWESOME, both musically and visually. The story was quick and... annoying at parts, mainly because I didn't like the whole ["we've known each other for 12 hours and now I want to marry you"] aspect. Then [they killed the firefly! They KILLED THE FIREFLY.] I mean, jeeze, you don't have to do that! Dr. Facilier was... both awesome and a bit disappointing as a Disney villain. He was like Scar - awesome entrance, strong for the first half of the movie, but then weaker towards the end [ with a lame ass death. Visually interesting, but not as great as getting thrown off a castle or impaled by a ship.]

As for the other characters, I am in love with Prince Naveen, as Disney expected, I'm sure. While a bit of an ass, he was a charming ass, and that charm only grew as he and Tiana became closer. But I don't love him for his personality or fabulous hair or fantastic dancing wait no I loved his dancing, but more by his smile. Oh my god, his eyes would get all dreamy and his teeth would be all big and... I'm lame. I reverted to a state of nostalgic little 5 year old, so I'm a bit biased. Also, he has a fantastic singing style, even if it's just for about a minute in one of the songs.

This movie was basically every Disney princess movie ever. It took all the elements it could meaning there were a lot of dropped characters and ideas. But that's okay. This is Disney just figuring it all out again, and getting ready for its next come back in the 2D animated movie world.

The next movie I saw wasn't a movie and it was something I had seen before only it was the original and this was just a different... version. It was the Peter Pan Broadway show, the 1960s version just updated, broadcasted in 2000. There's not much to say about that, so I'll just movie on. Go watch it on Youtube or something.

Okeydoke, third movie was... *shudder* Teeth, the horror comedy of 2006 that had woman feeling great about themselves and men screaming in pain. Why? Because it was about a girl who had teeth in her vagina. So you can imagine what happens when [she's raped by her boyfriend. Or drugged by another boyfriend. Or has revenge sex with her brother-in-law.] Yeah. We were all squirming around uncomfortably for a good 80 minutes. It's a movie you have to see in a large group of people. There are a lot of jokes to be made and subliminal imagery to find throughout the film.

The last film I saw was Cat's Don't Dance. This was one of those movies that I saw the commercial for and wanted really badly to go see but never managed to. Other than that, I had no attachment to this movie, so I went in as a cynical teenager rather than a wide eyed child. The best parts of the movie were the ones with Max. Extreme camera shots and fantastic character interactions with that behemoth of a creature. I also really liked Sawyer's character design. Not so much the voice. Especially the singing voice. It just didn't fit. And Darla Dimple was... evil and amazing.

And that's about all I have to say about that. Don't have a review since the movie is well over 10 years old and forgotten about by anyone who didn't grow up with it. The only worthwhile musical number is the one Darla sings. That was just ridiculous.

Oh god, and I never want to see another 6-year-old, Pedobear-approved panty shot every again.

movies, sketches, disney, art

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