And now, our feature presentation. [A liiiiitle NSFW. Just boobies and stuff.]

May 31, 2009 14:57

So here's the art post I promised! Some of these are pretty recent, like the rat drawing below. Others go back to 9th grade, maybe even 8th.

This marks the end of one moleskine and the beginning of another :D

Prisma colors and crayons! Can you tell the diference?
Unfortunatly, this is about as colorful as my moleskine gets.

These last 4 pages are all quick drawings of the artist John Sargent's various paintings and sketches. We have a giant book full of his artwork and I am absolutely in love with, my favorite of which is this one:

A quick still life.

Some sketches of what to do with my unuse Munny doll. It came with a katana, breif case, carrot, and bowler hat.
Now then, I need some input. The colored version above features two skin tones, monkey and human. Ignoring the line on the face for the human side, which color job do you think would be more asthetically pleasing?
I do plan on coloring this over the summer, so I'll be sure to post pictures when I get started on that.

Also, this is the end of my current moleskine, for now. The rest are sketches from around my room and such.

I actually only like the nose on the charcoal drawing above.

And the rest are from the iPhone app Whiteboard:

And the last is a photo from my phone of something very interesting I found on our living room floor:

sargent, ana, pet society, sketches, sketch dump, art

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