Oni-con and Oni-Link

Dec 21, 2008 22:18

 So Oni-con was this weekend. It went by super fast! I mean, holy hell did it go by fast!

The purchasing load was light this year, but still veeery expensive. First thing I bought was the Aria the Animation Season 1 box set, an anime based off one of my favorite manga series, Aria. It was the first manga I got into without any outside influence, unlike Fruits Basket, which was my first manga series if you don't cound the Pokemon mangas [which I still love]. They recently began reprinting the manga [it was cancelled a few years back after the 3rd volume was released] and its prequel, Aqua. It is a lovely manga - not lovey-dovey or action packed or anything, just calm and fun.

The anime itself is quite sweet as well, though not quite as the manga is as far as backgrounds go :\

I also bought these curly hair pieces from a vendor who had all kinds of neat hair accesories.

I'm hoping they will contribute to my never ending quest of finding a complete lolita outfit, since that is a typical hair style.

I also bid on a sketch at an Iron Artist-but-not-really panel, and had a sketch done of me. I'll upload those if and when I feel like it.

My other purchases were mainly gifts and food. The gifts were for Olivia, because I'm a terrible friend and lost her poster of DiO .______. So I bought her a hat and a poster of... Mi...ya...vi? I don't know diddly about the j-rock genre, sooooo.

Other things that happened were my friends banded together and got me a totally rad Link plushie!

His nickname is Bubbles.

And the last gift I received has been declared my Christmas present, via my parents.

OniFierce Diety[>:P Melissa]- Link statue, horray!

He is on the shelf next to Yuna. The two of them will, over time, bond. At first, it will be over manly things, like weapons and fights and stuff. But over time, Yuna will begin to delve deeper into Oni-Link dark past, revealing bitter ex-girlfriends and embarrassing High School experiences. With Yuna's help, Oni-Link will soon come to terms with a secret he has been denying his whole life- he's totally, flaming gay [just look at those legs!]. When he has fully excepted this fact, he and Yuna will then start fixing each others hair and discussing whose skirt-thing is better [hint: It's totally Oni-Link's.]

Wait, what, no. I'm not gay. Don't I get a say in this?

Of course not, Oni-Link. I dictate your life now.

Yay! Finally, someone to talk about my boy troubles with! Boohoo, Tidus! ;_______; *

*Disclaimer: This entire conversation was totally inspired by cleolinda's "The Secret Lives of Dolls." They're HILARIOUS

The only thing I regret from this entire experience was not buying the Noein DVD box set .____. It was $40, I could have easily tried not to go crazy with food and all that and saved up for Sunday. But oh well, maybe next con?

convention, yuna, anime convention, irl, link, anime, oni con, aria, oni link

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