May 18, 2009 09:12
No; my name's not at all common. But I have a really funny story that relates to this!
My dad's very good friend is named Bob Kangas, and one day my dad was reading the paper and came across an obituary for a Bob Kangas from the same general area as his friend. After he was done freaking out, he read the thing, and realized it couldn't be his friend and it must be another person with the same name. So then he cut out the obituary to show to his friend, and they still joke about that!
Stupid little anecdote, I know, but at the time, it was hilarious.
My parents want me to call the place I worked last summer about a job there this summer. And I know I need the money, but I just hated it there SO MUCH that I don't want to make the call or anything.
writer's block