Yup... Iceman/Maverick

Jan 05, 2012 21:35

Well, the Top Gun re-watch did not disappoint. God bless the 1980s. Favourite bits? Oh, too many, but pretty much every single time Ice flirted with Maverick and then the movie tried to redirect with Charlie flirtation that was pretty much EXACTLY WHAT HAD JUST HAPPENED WITH ICEMAN AND MAVERICK. Did they think... what, that we were looking away at that point or something?

Damn it, between this and the news (oh please be true, oh please oh please oh please) that Benedict Cumberbatch is signed up to Star Trek XII, I just gotta vid something...

Oh my God, I have a new slash obsession that features Tom Fucking Cruise. How did this happen? 

top gun, slash, homoeroticism everywhere i look, iceman/maverick, gayest movie ever filmed, greatness itself

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