Aug 24, 2010 23:17
Yusss i am back from japan. only 13 days, but i had a gooooood time. I'll try not to make it so long .. :)
1. It was really hot, like the perfecture i was in most of the time (Osaka) had the hottest temperature in the country, lovely eh, 38 degrees (or 37, i forget XD).
2. I ate ALOT of food, i think i gained weight, they're food is just like sooo good. Obviously i ate sushi and fish there, infact too much that me and my family are kinda sick of it atm .. xD.
3. I stayed in Osaka, where my grandparents on my mom's side lives. i really miss my relatives, and i had a great time with them. Great thanks to them :) ends up my cousin is only homestaying in New Zealand (not Australia mbaad) for two weeks LOL, i thought she was staying there for years or something. its like a education school trip for schools in japan, they travel to countries to learn english and stuff.
4. i went to Shikoku for 2 nights 3 days, one of the main islands in japan, and visited all kinds of places, big thanks to my uncle and aunt for planning it out and taking us to all kinds of cool places. I climbed this famous mountain called Mt. Konpira, known for like having gazillion staircases and i climbed 1368 stairs, Aaaaaaall the way to the TOP, pretty amazing and uber tiring. We were all like sweating like crazy and looking like shit. Visited other unique places like Uzushio, where this sea has like a spiral thingie, i dunno LOL. etc etc.
5. Airplane was boring. enough said.
6. Jet lag was terrible. enough said.
7. I shopped Aaaallooooooooooooooooot. I spent like 160 bucks ? Thats the most money i've ever spent w/in 13 days. since im asian and i dont like to spend so much money heh :). I bought a B'z, GACKT and UVERworld CD yeeeeeeeee. i bought a Kame poster and a Takeru picture LOL, i got a cool rolling stone shirt, some new sandals, souvenirs, etc etc.
8. I'll update again later, with pictures. LOL im too busy youtubing and msn'ing.
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