30 Days of Awesome Ladies: Day 1

Jul 21, 2011 20:57

So I've tried doing these 30 day memes in the past, and they haven't exactly gone well (was anyone actually reading my 30 Days of Doctor Who? I mean, really?). So, because this is one that I've prepared for (I have essays pre-written, complete with coding that will turn out to not work and drive me crazy) and one I care about, I figured I'd finally ( Read more... )

veronica mars is smarter than you, char: buffy summers, 30 days of awesome ladies, char: veronica mars, buffy is my homegirl

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Comments 22

ever_neutral July 22 2011, 04:16:59 UTC
THIS POST IS SO FLAWLESS I COULD DIE. Everything you say about Buffy (and that life-ruiner Angel, lol) and Veronica is excellent and accurate. And IA about relating with high-school!Veronica more than high-school!Buffy. Buffy started becoming my girl about the same time as she did for you. *solidarity fist-bump*


eilowyn July 23 2011, 02:30:05 UTC
That's my big distinction between Veronica and Buffy: I love Veronica more in high school. High school Buffy is too peppy, too fresh and undamaged for me to relate to. My high school years were more like Veronica's, if for very different events and reasons, and less like Buffy's, which you could really say were all about her boyfriend. My Buffy is more than just a girl with a douche for a boyfriend, so that's why season four and later Buffy is my girl *fist bumps you back*


angearia July 22 2011, 04:20:53 UTC


eilowyn July 23 2011, 02:31:33 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

eilowyn July 23 2011, 02:31:54 UTC
Thank you!


blackfrancine July 22 2011, 05:28:02 UTC
BUFFYYYYYYYYYY! And my little marshmallow VERONICAAAAAA! If added Robin Sherbatsky in, you would have all of my favorite girls.

I love all that you say. I'm right there with ya on loving these girls most of all when they're at their supposed worst--when they're pushed to their limits. The bounds of their humanity is tested. And they show their resilience and strength and all the love that continues to thrive in their hearts, despite the darkness. Oh, my girls.


eilowyn July 23 2011, 02:34:35 UTC
They're strong women, that's for sure, and that's why we love them when their limits are pushed - because they keep on going.


lutamira July 22 2011, 13:12:23 UTC
I ♥ your picspam. And your thoughts. And it makes me happy that this is a meme wiht 29(!) more posts, because it is hard to get enough of awesome ladies and you have such good thoughts about them. :)


eilowyn July 23 2011, 02:35:45 UTC
Oh, thank you! And we will be seeing Starbuck and Roslin on their respective days, so there's more awesome to come!


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