Reviews/Recaps: A Game of Thrones (Slight Book Spoilers), Doctor Who and The Vampire Diaries

May 10, 2011 16:18

Some TV Talk while I procrastinate on finishing the Massive Paper of Doom, here are watch-along reviews/liveblogs of Game of Thrones 1.03 and 1.04, Doctor Who 6.03 and The Vampire Diaries 2.21.

Game of Thrones Episode 1.03 - Lord Snow ( With Light Book Spoilers (mostly me saying 'Character A gets better') )

recaps, tv: the vampire diaries, reviews, tv: a game of thrones, i watch too much tv, tv: doctor who, tv talk

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Comments 6

agnes_bean May 11 2011, 00:37:17 UTC
A) I'm just going to go ahead and say word to ALL of your thoughts on GoT. Overall, I'm still over the moon with how well they're doing with it. (Also, Dany finally getting badass in 1x4 made my week. I've watched the scene where she fights back against Viserys so many times. AMAZING DANY. BE AMAZING. God, I love her).

B) It wasn't a particularly well-crafted episode, and it wasn't very deep, but it was fun.
Yep, that about sum that up, too. Completely enjoyable, in a filler-y way. Which is totally fine for Doctor Who -- maybe even needed after how intense the two-partner was. (*insert rant asking why in gods name this writer has been, yet again, entrusted with one of the only three episodes in Sherlocks next season, but whatever*)

Good luck with your paper!


eilowyn May 11 2011, 15:07:33 UTC
Yeah. Wasn't that impressed with the writer of The Curse of the Black Spot. Could you have thought of a better climax than killing Rory again?

And Dany is going to get FIERCE!


aerintine May 11 2011, 02:30:29 UTC
about which I'm still working on my recap, Jamie! I'll finish it soon!

Seriously, I'm waiting on pins for this. No joke. Mush! :D

I think I need to watch this week's ep again because I was decidedly underwhelmed on first viewing. And that's not what I've grown used to feeling about Eleven and Co. There must be more there there, right?


eilowyn May 11 2011, 15:05:56 UTC
Tomorrow night! I download all my Thursday shows and FINISH IT! I'll need a break from studying after the philosophy exam of doom, so I'll finish it while waiting for TVD to download!!


ever_neutral May 11 2011, 08:10:45 UTC
I understand the complaints about the lack of realism on TVD. But at the same time... it doesn't really bother me? I remember watching the early episodes of the show where the characters actually DID go to class and shit, and I remember being SO BORED by that stuff and wishing the show would hurry up and get dark and creepy already. I guess moderation is key. So long as the relationships between the (supernatural) characters remain realistic and complex, I'm okay with the entirely surreal settings and happenings.


eilowyn May 11 2011, 15:20:05 UTC
Good point. I think they should keep Jeremy 100% normal to ground the other characters, kind of like Xander did, but without the misogyny.


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