-- Still writing a massive essay, on a fascinating subject, luckily. All about race and Judaism and early 20th century immigration. Prof says I'm basically writing a master's thesis in a week and I should pare my subject down, but oh well I've always taken on more than I can chew and still pulled shit off.
-- My meds and new psychiatrist and therapy are working fabulously together. I'm not at all stressed about the aforementioned massive essay, and I think I'm going to have a really good summer because I'm doing so well.
-- I've decided my official political affiliation is "post-Republican." This was a recent epiphany. I grew up in a very conservative household, and have voted Republican in past elections (sorry about 2004!), but my stance on social issues such as gay rights, the environment and healthcare have really made me have to change my affiliation to moderate, though I'm not ready to trust the Democratic party after years of having them demonized. This is not a subject I discuss with my daddy. I love him dearly, and he's the best man I know, but he listens to Rush Limbaugh. Oh, well. Everyone has flaws.
-- ANNIE + SAWYER + PAINTBALL COMBINE TONIGHT ON COMMUNITY! You don't know how excited I am for this episode. We're talking pee my pants excited. #Fist Full of Paintballs will ROCK MY WORLD
-- I have a long Doctor Who recap/review/meta of the two-parter in the works, but I don't think I'm going to get it done before The Curse of the Black Pearl Spot airs. Will anyone besides my official fandom bff
aerintine still want to read it?
-- Inspired by
eowyn_315 /
next_to_normal, I've decided that this will be the Summer of the 30 Days Meme. So I got 30+ Awesome Ladies and 30+ Television Shows coming at you in a few weeks, because I need stuff to keep me entertained at work.
John Borroman should be allowed to kiss whoever the hell he wants. Just sayin'.
-- Handsomeness Situation Update: After a couple bad dates I've decided to jump into the online dating ring again, and I'm chatting with two really good guys on match.com right now. Will keep you informed as the situation continues.