Yep. I'm Begging for Your Help Again. This Time for Seasonal Spuffy

Apr 11, 2011 04:00

I've been vaguely contemplating (meaning: it probably won't be done this round) making a fanmix for seasonal_spuffy. I have three for sure songs so far, but I want a well-rounded list of about twelve songs that remind us of Spike and Buffy, and I'm having trouble because I realize I can't list the entire Florence + the Machine album as much as I want to. I'm ( Read more... )

seasonal_spuffy, help!

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Comments 26

gryfndor_godess April 11 2011, 11:11:50 UTC
A song that always makes me think of Spuffy is "Lucky," by Biff Naked, from the BtVS album. It's a strange choice because it actually plays during the Parker scene apparently (I was shocked and amused when I learned that), but it really strikes a Spuffy chord with me. The song seems so sad and dark for the most part, but then the end is insanely uplifting and beautiful.


eilowyn April 13 2011, 02:37:09 UTC
That's such a beautiful song, and I've had it stuck in my head all day, but sadly I can't use something people might associate with the poophead Parker!


prophecygirrl April 11 2011, 11:30:21 UTC
Brighter than Sunshine, by Aqualung, always reminds me of these two.


eilowyn April 13 2011, 02:37:30 UTC
That's such a pretty song!


shapinglight April 11 2011, 13:00:11 UTC
Should I Stay or Should I Go by the Clash. I always imagine Spike in season 5 thinking about Buffy that way, especially pre-Intervention when he was still clueless.


gigi_tastic April 11 2011, 16:48:11 UTC
i was just about to say this. Curse you for getting there first.


slaymesoftly April 11 2011, 20:49:42 UTC
Me too.


effulgentgirl April 11 2011, 13:14:41 UTC
If I ever have time/resources to make fan vids, I am making a Spuffy vid to the Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Easily". I mean, come on:

The story of a woman on the morning of a war
Remind me if you will exactly what we're fighting for


I can't tell you who to idolize
You think it's almost over
But it's only on the rise


I don't want to be your little research monkey boy
The creature that I am is only going to destroy


angearia April 12 2011, 01:01:44 UTC
Don't tease! I LOVE your vids!


effulgentgirl April 12 2011, 13:31:11 UTC
I think you've got me confused with someone else! Still, thanks for the compliment, even though it's not aimed at me. :)


angearia April 12 2011, 20:54:05 UTC
Ah, I think you're right. There's another effulgentgirl, but maybe there's an underscore in her name.

Whoops! :P


blackfrancine April 11 2011, 14:14:28 UTC
"Portions for Foxes" by Rilo Kiley BIG TIME. It's as if it were written about Season 6 Spuffy.
"I'll Be Your Mirror" by the Velvet Underground with Nico
"Need You Around" by the Smoking Popes (an AU happy-go-lucky season 7)
"Perfect Drug" by Nine Inch Nails (obviously season 6)
"Keep It Loose, Keep It Tight" by Amos Lee (more of a Spike song... but Spike in re: Buffy, so.)
"Rainy Night in Soho" by the Pogues
"Like a Friend" by Pulp--again, this song must've been written about them. I love it. I want someone to vid to it.
"We're in This Together" by Nine Inch Nails

I could keep going... but that's probably too much already.


ceciliaj April 11 2011, 14:48:07 UTC
"Portions for Foxes" is SO GOOD! And I like "Perfect Drug" for them a lot, too, but also "The Only Time," if you're gonna have Nine Inch Nails. <3


blackfrancine April 11 2011, 15:04:41 UTC
Ooh. Good call. This is the only time I really feel alive. That song/album takes me back to high school so much.

Now I'm gonna go listen to Pretty Hate Machine (but skip over Something I Can Never Have--which is another song I think of for Spuffy--because it makes me too sad).


ceciliaj April 11 2011, 15:05:53 UTC
"The Only Time" was my "song" with my hs boyfriend -- ahaha. *achem*


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