Let the Wedding Weekend Begin!

Aug 31, 2010 07:36

So I fly down to Los Angeles for the BFF's wedding (on Friday) today. I'll probably have less time to post, though the wonderful fellow bridesmaids I'm throwing a bridal shower with tomorrow totally understand my need to keep up with Season 8 wank, and know I'll be shouting at my computer because someone will surely be wrong on the internet, if not the comic book world (I'm 51% pessimistic, 49% optimistic about the Spike issue right now, so we'll see what happens).

I'll probably only get a few minutes before bed Thursday and Friday to keep up with the wank, and Saturday I drive home with the fam, so I may be asking for everyone's favorite Season 8 wank posts Sunday, so keep an eye out for the most brilliant and the most crackiest interpretations, cause I may be bugging you for them.

It seems silly to be making preparations to keep up with online wank when I have something as momentous as a wedding going on, but the  bride is the person who consoled me through Twilightgate with a Veronica Mars marathon, and she totally understands that I really do value my online life and friends. That's why she's so awesome.

So, ladies and gentlement, start your wank engines! I'll be keeping up as best I can, when I'm not pretending I'm Eleven attending Amy's wedding.

season 8, real life is boring

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