How I'm doing . . . and some TV Talk

Aug 11, 2010 10:44

So . . . I'm rocking my new job, except for the fact that I have blisters upon blisters and have to soak my feet in epsom salts when I come home every night. And I'm so exhausted that I only got to see True Blood yesterday. I'm usually downloading it around ten Sunday evening and watching it then, but lately I've been passing out as soon as I come ( Read more... )

tv: the vampire diaries, tv: true blood, real life is boring

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Comments 3

penny_lane_42 August 11 2010, 18:25:37 UTC
Blisters are the worst things ever and I have yet to meet a pair of shoes that doesn't give them to me at the beginning. Mine usually end up bleeding. Isn't that gross?

Anyway! I'm still ludicrously behind on True Blood, so I'm skipping the bulk of this post except to say that I have the exact same reaction to S3. UGH. BUFFY/ANGEL RUINS EVERYTHING! ;D


Here is my tag! I have fun!

[eta] Also: HI! I have missed you being around!


goldenusagi August 11 2010, 18:27:27 UTC
My Vampire Diaries stuff is here:

It's definitely reactions, though, not meta or thinky thoughts. I'm sure much of it doesn't make sense unless you just watched the episode, LOL.


ever_neutral August 12 2010, 07:11:24 UTC
Here's mine! Please to be joining in the squee with us now. ;)

Bah, your uncontrolled anti-Bangel rants are always amusing. Even though S3 is easily my favourite Bangel season and I kinda love their Wild Horses dance.


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