I have a job! And other stuff . . .

Aug 03, 2010 08:14

Yes, it's still hosting at an expensive fine dining restaurant I wouldn't normally be able to afford to eat at, but it's a job. And I have the opportunity to move from the host of the casual fine dining restaurant at the hotel to the "holy shit. you charge 100 bucks a plate?!" fine dining restaurant in a month if I impress the right people.

No matter where I work, I will be pretending to be Jessica from True Blood hostessing at Merlotte's. Is that weird?

I've issued a challenge at the comicsnarkathon community:

Season 8 (Reduced)

Where we write our own "Season 8 in five minutes" abridgements with as much snark as possible.

Also, Happy Birthday To infinitewhale, whose sea otter icons always remind me of home.

comic snarkathon, comics: buffy, season 8, real life is boring

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