Okay, this is officially the most fucked up episode of True Blood. Ever.

Jul 26, 2010 03:52

A quick recap of my thoughts on last week's episode, copied from a comment I made on shipperx's episode thoughts:

As always, thoroughly entertained by this episode, though the switch back to pussywhipped!Bill shouting for his Sukkeh was an extremely boring turn about. Just when I thought I might start to like him, he has to go and re-create the Buffy and Angel angst of season 3. DO NOT WANT. In other news, due to vague, amorphous book spoilers I heard from maybe a year ago, they might be setting Bill up for some kind of fall. I predict Eric will be the one to kill Russel (you don't set up a 1000 year + vendetta without payoff), unless Talbot gets that pleasure.

The flashback was a fun adventure in Middle Earth, and I enjoyed it, along with the bad wigs. I still really, really like Eric's story and the reemergence of his humanity, and could possibly fall for him like I did Spike. Pity Sookie isn't half as charismatic or as fascinating as Buffy, guaranteeing there never will be the same magic that makes Spuffy so wonderful.

Franklin is basically all of William the Bloody's bad parts on crack. He's basically a diehard Bangel fangirl's badfic approximation of Spike, character bashing and all. The good news is the actor is taking this and running with it - knocking the batshit behavior with Tara out of the park. Once again, True Blood has the mysterious ability to thoroughly entertain me while completely squicking me out.

And Jason's desk job montage? Perfect, if a bit of a waste of time. Wonder what supernatural being sweet little Reese Witherspoon-esque Crystal's gonna turn out to be?

Much love for the supporting cast and their interpersonal relations. Sympathy for Sam. Happy for Lafayette, and worried they'll drag out a long separation for Jessica and Hoyt, complete with rebounds with Tommy and Wolowitz's girlfriend.

And Terry. Poor, poor Terry. He's gonna get Joss'd for being so happy (I know that's the incorrect usage of Joss'd, but go with me here).

But this week was the most fucked up episode yet. No, really. It was hard for me to squee over the squeeable parts because there was so much violent bloodplay going on. I now have to add another disclaimer when recommending this show to others: not only is it heavily full of sex and nudity, but the blood? SO MUCH YUCK.

The Good (or at least amusing) Stuff:

- When Bill sucks in his cheeks in anger, he looks a little like Michael Jackson.

- Talbot bitching about the house was made of win.

- Eric shutting Sookie up - you don't know how many times I've wanted to do that.

- The Jesus/Lafayette storyline played out very well, though it was at times both sad and adorable. I hope that story isn't closed yet. I expect it will pick back up towards the end, where Jesus will either give Lafayette a chance, or he'll totally betray him somehow. Nonetheless, I'm totally rooting for them to work out.

- I ADORED THE ARLENE/JESSICA SCENES. There obviously wasn't enough of these two in this episode to suit me (AND NO TERRY AT ALL!), but they got their pithy little squabble and it was good fun.

- I was so proud of Tara. As gross as her actions were, I was very proud of her for taking the initiative instead of whining like she's done in the past, and actually rescuing Sookie for once. And Sookie, you're an idiot.

- LOVE the term "vampire fundamentalist." LOVE IT.

- Sam's plot looks to be heating up, but I still don't see the point of Crystal.

- Nice to see Nan Flanagan again.

- Jason going a-courtin', complete with letterman's jacket, was the cutest thing ever.

- Just when I think this episode can't be saved, along comes Jason Stackhouse, future lawman, to mess with QB 1 and steal my heart agian.

- Cooter and Debbie were . . . cute, in their low class way. Their exchange after drinking Bill's blood was . . . cute, in a low class way. And stealing anything she wanst from Forever 21 Young is totally the way to a biker chick's heart.

- Okay, it took a grand total of five seconds, but I now officially ship Tara/Alcide.

The Bad (and the very squicky) Stuff:

- Torture is not fun or romantic, so will Lorena and Bill please stop doing the misty, water-colored memories reminiscing? It screams post-space frakking Twilight, with the inappropriate watery eyes and "I missed you, you slayer murdering, glowhypnoling hunk of a bad guy!" Just . . . no.

- I said I was proud of Tara for taking action. Unfortunately, the mode of action she took made me sick to my stomach, though I was amused at how proud Franklin was of his shaving for her.

- Sophie-Anne bores me. And I hate that they're playing it where Eric's about to betray Sookie in favor of revenge. How many times did they do the "Spike's still evil" fake-outs on Buffy and Angel?

- Let's crack jokes about Adolf Hitler! Always in good taste, right?

- I hate how Lorena always ruins her gorgeous clothes. Can't she go a night without ripping or bloodying one of her pretty dresses?

- I desperately want a Lorena backstory, and I also want a backstory on how Pam was turned, too. C'mon, show, you're passing up some of your stronger storylines in favor of squicky bloodletting!

- Once again, this episode was fucked up, with the neck gnawing and torture and bashing Franklin's head in with a mace. Yuck again. Don't make me break out the Britta gif again next week, show!

So yeah. Not as happy with this week's episode as I have been with every other episode this season, but it is the middle point, so they need to get everyone in place as all the different storylines begin their march towards the finale.

At least I have Mad Men to look forwards to tomorrow.

tv: true blood

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