Don't Wanna Be a Grown-Up.

Jul 19, 2010 11:38

Don't wanna work on my resume. Wanna watch the verbal mud wrestling at Whedonesque. Told Emmie and Lauren I'm totally cheerleading for them from my comfortable position completely outside the debate. And armchair coaching. Discourse is a lot like sports. Insert appropriate sports metaphor here. Something about passing the ball to Maggie . . . see, ( Read more... )

season 8

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Comments 9

angearia July 19 2010, 18:41:21 UTC
I should've passed the ball to Maggie, but I didn't see her! Curses!

Though on this particular subject, specifically the Rape Culture, I think it's mostly Lauren and me leading the charge. We need more recruits for Team Feminism!


penny_lane_42 July 19 2010, 18:55:03 UTC
Hee! Sports are stupid. I think we should have some sort of metaphor involving baked goods.

I'm hungry.


Maggie has some awesome comments over there. Her big long one about the things that needed to be addressed was brilliant.


angearia July 19 2010, 19:31:23 UTC
Haha, we need something that more captures the Battle Mode tho. But if we went with the baked goods metaphor, our Bat Signal catchphrase could be, "This funnel cake is kicking my ass!"


penny_lane_42 July 19 2010, 19:35:34 UTC
Greatest Bat Signal idea ever!


eilowyn July 19 2010, 20:12:55 UTC
I'm eating raw cookie dough right now (see: immature!), and I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere (other than the old standard cookie dough=brush off. And thank you, Mr. Meltzer, for guaranteeing I never eat a cookie with sprinkles again.)


elisi July 19 2010, 19:07:43 UTC
I'm only skimming (haven't got to the rape parts yet), but this comment made my day:

Jumping Twilight is like if halfway through their fight in "End of Days", Caleb had taken off a rubber mask and turned out to be Angel, and Buffy jumping him then


angearia July 19 2010, 19:29:56 UTC
WORD. King made an excellent point there.


ubi4soft July 20 2010, 06:41:42 UTC
The lack of news made up for the one of the most heated discussion there! I could barely keep up with reading (and sometimes looking up for references).

I hope Emmie didn't get banned.


ever_neutral July 20 2010, 16:26:06 UTC
Drat, it says I'm 'forbidden' to see it. Noooo.


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