LadyFest '10 Fics

Jul 17, 2010 18:42

So here are the nine little ficlets I wrote for ineffort's Ladyfest '10 Ficathon. I'm rather proud of them, because it's really one of the first times I've actually put some fiction out there for the world to see. I'm notorious for doing the planning and starting phases of big long fics that inevitably get dropped and end up nowhere, so little ficlets are pretty much the perfect medium for me to work in. I'm trying to write more for the still_grrr community, and may have more input for fantas_magoria now that they'll be moving into season 4 in the fall (yes, my brain is hardwired to be Spike-centric.) Ladyfest, however, was a really important to me because it was doing something positive for fandom, rather than just sitting around, ragging on Season 8, like I've pretty much been doing since I've actively begun participating in fandom. Yes, Season 8 snark is fun, but it isn't necessarily positive to be so negative (even if negativity is inevitable).

So, here are my ficlets, from all sorts of fandoms and characters I never dreamed I would be writing for. I didn't try anything that stretched my literary geek cred like penny_lane_42 did (Faulkner fanfic FTW!), but some of them are in fandoms I may have never been particularly active in before (Supernatural may have a misogynistic streak a mile wide, but they did give us a few awesome female characters, for however long they lasted), or related to stories that I never thought I would find so fascinating or easy to write (I'm still shocked at how easy it was to write Arlene Fowler from True Blood; I think her recent spazzing out because of motherhood on the show is letting the core of the character out and you know what? I like her!). I tried to avoid all Doctor Who spoilers (just started series 4 as of two nights ago, and damn I love Donna!), but it's encouraging to see how many people found Martha, Donna, River and Amy (haven't seen River and Amy yet personally, but fandom osmosis has made me excited about them) to be awesome ladies. If this ficathon had happened a month later, I probably would have attempted some Who fic.

Title: "Sugar and Spice"
Fandom: True Blood
Character/Ship: Jessica Hamby
Rating PG-13

Prompt: cold-blooded

Title: "Failure"
Fandom: Lost
Character/Ship: Juliet Burke
Rating PG-13

i'm pale as a pile of bones
you hope for your babies and this is how they grow
wind-battered, knocked over
the teeth bite the shoulder
watching the grey sky that's acting like a good guy

Title: "Phantom Limb"
Fandom: Skins
Character/Ship: Michelle
Rating PG

I love the sound of you walking away
And I can see clearer and I'm getting closer
To finding out to just who I am without you in the way

Title: "The Trouble with Childish Fascination"
Fandom: True Blood
Character/Ship: Arlene Fowler
Rating PG-13

Prompt: being mom

Title: "When There's Nothing Left to Say"
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel (Season 8 Compliant . . . unfortunately)
Character/Ship: Cordelia Chase; Anya Jenkins, Fred Burkle
Rating R

Prompt: awkward silence

Title: "Who Will Mourn Me When I'm Gone?"
Fandom: Supernatural
Character/Ship: Bela (/Dean, if you squint)
Rating PG

oo who
The time is getting closer
oo who
Time to be a ghost
oo who
Every day we're getting closer
The sun is getting dim
Will we pay for who we been?

Title: "Motivations"
Fandom: Community
Character/Ship: Britta Perry
Rating PG-13

Prompt: nobody’s property

Title: "Late"
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/Ship: Buffy Summers (/Spike)
Rating PG

i am fairly agile
i can bend and not break
or i can break and take it with a smile
and i am so resilient, i recover quickly
i'll convince you soon that i am fine

Title: "National Population is Indicative to Nation's Social Status" (in the actual post I used the word 'Endemic,' which kinda works, but I meant 'Indicative')
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Character/Ship: Veronica
Rating PG

California is a great big nation of one.

char: arlene fowler, tv: true blood, season 8, char: juliet burke, char: jessica hamby, supernatural, ladyfest '10, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: skins, tv: community, fic, buffy is my homegirl, char: bela talbot, tv: lost, writing, tv: veronica mars, ficathons

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