True Blood Thoughts Coming.

Jul 12, 2010 13:38

So. True Blood. Makes me happy when Season 8 makes me sad. Or wangsty. Yeah, wangsty, where I have to whine to my therapist about it. Which yes, I really do whine about Season 8 to my therapist - I'm not just joking.

I'll have a recap up later tonight. My squee was kinda harshed by shipperx's review, which pointed out some stuff I was too giddy happy to notice, even though she's totally right. But I still love this show, find it tremendously entertaining, and will have reasons why coming up tonight.

Right now, I need to go bridesmaid dress shopping (which, for those of you who follow the otherwise really, really boring real life parts of my journal, is a big squee in itself - I love my best friend who I watched Lost with! And she's going on the 8-hour Lost tour of Oahu on her honeymoon, and will be taking pictures just for me! And for, like photo albums of her honeymoon and stuff, but she and her fiance promised they'll be thinking of me the whole time they're on their tour, which is probably the only time I want them thinking of me while on their honeymoon, because . . . eww.), so I don't have time for my gigglesnort True Blood recap. Yeah. I thinkI just spent way, way too many words to get that point across.

tv: true blood, real life is boring

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