True Blood 3.3 - Sookie Stackhouse, You Adorable Idiot!

Jun 28, 2010 08:18

It's something I usually say about her brother, but Sookie Stackhouse can be quite the dim bulb . . .

- Sookie is an idiot. Inciting a fight in a werewolf bar? Not the smartest thing in the world.

- Why am I not more bothered by Jason Stackhouse, Lawman?

- Franklin the Vampire still looks like Tony Shalhoub. Especially Tony Shaloub in Men in Black.


- Not enough Terry, Lafayette or Andy Bellefleur in this episode, though I loved watching Sheriff Dearborn quit. Wish we had a bit more build up to his breakdown though.

- Arlene's baby is Rene's, isn't it? Sorry, I can be a little dense about paternity issues.

- Really not entralled with Sam's plot this season. So you got alcoholic, redneck relatives? Oh, boo hoo. So do I.

- Yes, I loved the Tara/Sookie scene at the cemetery. I'm a sucker for Hallmark moments.

- The king's boy toy, Talbot, could just inch his way to the top of my affections. Fussing over his rug while Lorena is char broiled right beside him? Fabulous!

- I was totally squicked by every sex scene in this episode. Got a visceral, stomach churning feeling from both Tara/Tony Shalhoub and Bill/Lorena. And Bill ripped Lorena's gorgeous lace dress! I was all about the dress during the dinner scene!

- Someone should make some HBIC icons for Lorena. She's growing on me.

- As little as we saw Jessica, I still love her. I think she and Jason are the key characters in this show for me; as long as they're around, I can take whatever Alan Ball dishes. And that's why I don't want the books: no Jessica to speak of. Lafayette dies. I don't want to ruin the Bon Temps I have in my mind with the Bon Temps from the book - and I think this may be the first time I've ever said that about an adapted fictional work.

- One thing I love about this show: we are supposed to be squicked by some of these characters. Eric chowing down on the werewolf's artery? Eww. Lorena getting her head turned? Eww. However, we do love these characters in spite of these squick factors, which I find very remarkable. I don't think Joss can do anything but seemingly loveable characters, and even the AR scene, because I find Spike so loveable in spite of this moment of utter failing, doesn't quite squick me as much as True Blood can. These characters are likeable, and we can love them, but they are not cuddly or loveable, while even Angelus does have those tendencies, where you just want a plushie of him in his leather pants. We will never, ever speak of the possibility of an Eric or Pam plushie. No matter how much the dancer Yvette may want one. (Now that I think about it, Pam/Yvette did not squick me. "Lie back and think of Estonia"? Brilliant line! WANT ICON NOW!)

Now for the relatively serious portion of the post (even though the point directly above was kinda serious in spite of the talk of plushies):

I like Bill Compton.

Yes, I now get what everyone's saying about him not being Angel (though I still categorize him with Angel and Edward Cullen in my mind - it makes me feel superior to buck the narrative like the blond guys more), because I can sympathize with him. The guy has stuff to feel bad about, while Angel is just a broody sourpuss most of the time. Bill's had a hard-knock life, yo. And he doesn't really mope about it. He plays Wii. He recycles. He shops at Forever 21 (literally - ha ha!) and buys kickass macbooks for his vampire daughter (in my brain, at least). They're setting him up for his dark AtS season 2 period, but I'm now beginning to like the guy I've seen so far in previous seasons, so I don't know what to think. One thing I do know: if Lorena shows up pregnant next season, Jessica better not get shafted like Cordy did in season 4!

And I can't wait for some Sam babysitting Jessica scenes. Oh, please, TV gods, give me some Sam babysitting Jessica scenes!

I guess I'll see you next week for Cooter and Debbie's engagement party. Should be a howling good time.

Please don't kill me for that.

tv: true blood, char: jason stackhouse, char: jessica hamby

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