I Propose a Ficathon!!

Apr 23, 2010 06:48

 Y'know what? Fandom right now has made me very cranky. People in charge are being butt-heads, and are being baited by other butt-heads to be more butt-headed. It's stirred up fascinating commentary, brilliant rants, and some really good meta. But do you know what we really need?

A Ficathon.

So me, in all my wisdom and complete lack of experience in actually participating in a ficathon (go me for being overconfident in my incompetence - I think it's a sign of my high self-esteem), propose a ficathon with a theme that combines our love for the original Buffy and Angel series with the cracktasticness of the Season 8 comics.

I'd like to call it The View From The Peanut Gallery Ficathon.
Look at me! I learned to used colored, big text! See how my self-esteem can easily get pumped for no real reason?

The basic premise is this: write about what characters absent from the current Season 8 arc would think about the current action in the comic - Would Fred analyze the likelihood of surviving fucking in space, even with superpowers? Would Lorne try to come up with a theme song for the boinkfest? Would Anya give commentary on the many varied sexual positions shown? We got some pretty loaded ammo in what the story's given us, and I'm sure everyone in the Buffyverse has an opinion on what's going on . . .

And really, if you gotta do your drabble as an all-penguin AU, more power to you. The penguins are the real totems that can defeat the mighty god Twuffel!

Okay, here's the part where I display my total inexperience in running a ficathon. I have a proposal . . . uh, what exactly do I do next? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

season 8, view from the peanut gallery, ficathons

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