Thoughts on Spuffy and Fandom

Apr 09, 2013 15:02

"This assessment of fan fiction in terms of realism--and the segmentation of fanfic communities that follows from this--are evident in, as one among many examples, the circulation of Buffy/Spike stories in the BtVS fandom. Stories about a vampire slayer and a vampire allow a great deal of freedom to manipulate or avoid any scripted reality. However ( Read more... )

fan studies, ship: spike/buffy

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rebcake April 10 2013, 00:20:06 UTC
I have always read the Spike/Buffy relationship as being more realistic than the Buffy/Angel relationship.I'm not sure I do. In my (oh so vast) experience, many relationships follow the Buffy/Angel template: attraction, a short honeymoon period where everything seems great, and then the difficult work of actually getting along with someone begins, leading to the inevitable breakup and drifting apart. I'd say a majority of people don't really want to bother once the initial "thrill is gone". Even people who do want to really, truly commit often have to try a few times before they get it right. Brain studies show that our decision-making skills haven't really matured until about 25 years of age ( ... )


rahirah April 10 2013, 04:16:01 UTC
I don't see either relationship as more realistic or mature than the other. They're just different, and I happen to like the Buffy/Spike dynamic better. Or to be more precise, I like the potential Buffy/Spike dynamic better - still not all that thrilled with where it went in canon.


rebcake April 10 2013, 09:57:03 UTC
I think that immature romantic relationships are necessary, and not to be mocked. Much. I say this as the parent of a 17-year-old. ;-)


rahirah April 10 2013, 17:42:34 UTC
Heh, well, maybe it's that I see them as equally immature, just in different ways. *g*


eilowyn April 10 2013, 21:12:59 UTC
Once upon a time, before we knew that I would be perennially romantically challenged, my mom told me that young relationships are there so you can see what you like and don't like in a guy, so they have their purpose in preparing you for the guy you'll eventually marry. Of course I'm talking out of my ass because I'm almost 30 and have been completely boyfriend-less (except for a week in the fifth grade).


eilowyn April 10 2013, 21:10:01 UTC
I like the potential Buffy/Spike dynamic better

Fanon Spike is my boyfriend.


eilowyn April 10 2013, 21:08:53 UTC
You know you're kinda right? Spike is more dedicated to the relationship than the average guy, and the script Buffy and Angel go through is more like what happens in relationships, but I think on the sustainability of the relationship in the long term Spuffy has the edge of already having their baggage on display, while Bangel's baggage is kept hidden so they can keep up the fantasy version of each other. Maybe I should put it that Spuffy is a more honest relationship?


rebcake April 10 2013, 22:18:31 UTC
Spuffy is a more honest relationship

I'll buy that. ;-)

Re: immature relationships. I totally think that it's good to have a few. The stakes are fairly high, emotionally, but not as high as they will be when you get kids and property into the mix. Check out your options, I say.

But yeah, Buffy does seem to cling to the fantasy "love" for longer than is healthy for her. I blame her good-for-nothing father for a lot of that.


eilowyn April 11 2013, 00:44:01 UTC
She and Jack from Lost should hold a competition to see who has the most paternal damage. All the Best Slayers Have Daddy Issues.


slaymesoftly April 10 2013, 23:39:16 UTC
Well put - I hadn't thought about that, but of course the one that began when she was very young and that didn't survive her maturing and their lives changing is the more realistic one. I think when most people refer to Spike/Buffy as "real" they mean it has ups and downs, isn't perfect, and involves two people who are (usually) pretty honest with each other rather than hiding important things in an effort to appear perfect.

ETA - "honest" is a good description.


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