Today, I made
this post on Tumblr in response to a confession on the
Buffy Confessions blog. I often do this to confessions I have feelings about. This one started with the snarky response, "Isn't it nice how people disregard season 7 in order to self-righteously get their Spike/Spuffy hate on?" but I expanded it. That post on Tumblr came from the
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We can also compare her reaction to Faith (also human) killing people: Faith has to go to jail and serve time, but does Willow? Nope, she gets a vacation in England.
I realize that there are an awful lot of other factors that figure into Buffy's reactions to each case, but still, I have to wonder if Xander isn't right to a degree in claiming that Buffy's pure and noble morality is just a tad tainted by emotion: she's way more willing to cut slack for people she likes/loves. Which is a very, very common human reaction, after all...
We can also compare her reaction to Faith (also human) killing people: Faith has to go to jail and serve time
But going to prison was Faith's choice, not Buffy's. Buffy really couldn't do much once Faith turned herself in to the police.
I do agree though that if she's emotionally involved with someone who kills, it's tougher. I'd like to think she wouldn't stake Spike because of her feelings for him but it's hard to ignore something like what you're proposing Spike does - the willful, albeit conflicted, taking of lives and hiding that from Buffy. Maybe that's where I have the problem - him doing something he knows Buffy wouldn't approve of and hiding it from her. Whatever her reaction, there would be a huge amount of anger in the mix as well, yes?
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