I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about my survey, but I have an update that's very important - I've created a follow-up survey that gives me a couple provable theses to work with. I'm coming up with a thesis post hoc (as Mary Kirby-Diaz tells me my research is), but this second survey is very important for proving said thesis. If you took the first survey and want to take the second (it's really quick!), it's
here. This is especially important if you completed the first survey. Dr. Kirby-Diaz has told me that I should only count completed surveys, so if you didn't complete the first survey and want to re-take it so that it's complete, go
here. If you want, you can put "answered in first survey" in the comments of questions you already answered the first time you took the survey. That should make it easier.
I really, really have to express my thanks to those of you who actually took the survey. I really appreciate it, especially since it was people on my f-list who inspired this project. If you haven't taken the survey, there's still time, and don't worry about writing an essay for every question. Just be sure to complete the darn thing, so your answers can be counted. I'm going to begin printing out answers on Tuesday, so you have the weekend to complete it. Maybe keep it open in a separate tab so you can go back and forth between it? I just really would appreciate more of you filling it out.
Thanks guys!