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gryfndor_godess September 15 2011, 00:16:14 UTC
The seeming regression of Buffy's maturity is the reason I'm already disappointed in S9 and not nearly as enthusiastic as I was when #40 came out. I haven't gotten my hands on the issue yet, but if Buffy actually did sleep with someone and was so drunk she can't remember and if that guy was not drunk, that's definitely assault and the fact that the writers are joking about it makes me queasy. It had better not have been Spike because out of all her potential bedmates he should know better and treat her with more respect.

This issue reminds me of the Ringer pilot in a lot of ways because there were so many spoilers in advance that there were no surprises left and the actual release itself can't help being anticlimactic.

That being said, do you know a download link I could use? Pretty please?


eilowyn September 15 2011, 00:30:27 UTC
It is assault, and they are treating it very lightly if it's a possibility. I'm personally in the "Buffy didn't sleep with anyone, her room's just a mess" camp. It seemed like a "heh heh, let's have Buffy think she slept with someone she doesn't remember!" guy joke to me. And they did spoil too much beforehand, but they always do that.

I just wasn't as impressed as I was with Angel and Faith. I don't know what kind of twenty-somethings these are supposed to be. Maybe I'm just *that* boring, but all-night ragers seem more like a college thing to me, not a twenty-something thing. Oh, well. I expect Buffy will be allowed to mature eventually.


norwie2010 September 15 2011, 00:33:02 UTC
Oh, well. I expect Buffy will be allowed to mature eventually.

That would require mature writers....


infinitewhale September 15 2011, 00:45:01 UTC

They buried themselves in S8. There isn't anything they can acknowledge that wouldn't bring the story to a screeching halt because they have no explanation for the behavior.

I still say the issue is a play on that. "What did I do, why did I do what I did?" Good question, Buff.


gryfndor_godess September 15 2011, 00:50:43 UTC
I just wasn't as impressed as I was with Angel and Faith.

Everything I've heard about about A/F #1 makes me want to read it, but I have refused to buy it on principle because I'm so disgusted with what the writers did to Angel in S8 and by the idea that they think a misogynist like Twilight deserves his own series. It just makes me boil that after all Angel did, he still gets to be a "hero" and have his super special guilt and effing martyrdom put on a pedestal again.

I don't know what kind of twenty-somethings these are supposed to be.

I know some twenty-somethings like that, but they're all in college...maybe a lot of her guests are in college? They're still in the stereotypical age range.

I expect Buffy will be allowed to mature eventually.

I hope so, although I have my doubts. Maturity would probably seem too final for Joss. He does tend to kill off mature characters...

Thanks again for the link! Now I must finish hw...or do a bit more hw so I can justify a break to read...


norwie2010 September 15 2011, 01:01:43 UTC
I just read some Q&A and the editor said that "mourning Giles" won't happen in the "Buffy" title, it will happen in the "Angel" title.

Oh, please, Mr. Murderer - tell us how hard it was to kill someone! (So they let the concentration camp guard tell the - only - story of the victim(s). Way to go!)

(In other words: I'm with you, I won't read that story. Nothing to do with Angel - the fictional character - and everything to do with not wanting that story to continue.)


gryfndor_godess September 15 2011, 01:09:17 UTC
the editor said that "mourning Giles" won't happen in the "Buffy" title, it will happen in the "Angel" title.

That is so very, very despicable.

I love Angel on AtS, despite his flaws. Comics!Angel is unrecognizable to me.


shipperx September 15 2011, 04:45:48 UTC
I'm so disgusted with what the writers did to Angel in S8 and by the idea that they think a misogynist like Twilight deserves his own series. It just makes me boil that after all Angel did, he still gets to be a "hero" and have his super special guilt and effing martyrdom put on a pedestal again.

Sing it. I used to love Angel. But I just wanted someone to smack him over his too-late-too-feel-bad-about it martyrdom.


rahirah September 15 2011, 13:48:33 UTC
You're an optimist. *g*


veiled_static September 15 2011, 12:55:29 UTC
Type Buffy 41 into filestube.com, there were a few links up there yesterday :)


gryfndor_godess September 15 2011, 13:09:38 UTC
Thank you!


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