Needing Advice Again

Sep 04, 2011 10:14

So I had my sixteen questions for the Buffyverse fandom regarding feminism in the Buffyverse all set up. I asked the f-list for question help. I asked feminist friends for advice on my questions. I was all ready to set up my survey so I could post it this Wednesday (thus getting it out before Buffy Season 9 begins, lest it alter some opinions).

However, SurveyMonkey only allows you ten questions, and I wanted to ask for "handles" people wanted to be known as in my research, and email addresses so I can contact people if I have follow-up questions, so that takes up two questions as it is. I just set up an LJ community called whedonresearch for myself so that maybe I can host the survey on a livejournal not my own (so as to avoid my biases influencing the response I get), and I wanted an LJ-esque discussion between respondents anyway, whether they want to be anonymous or not, so I'm wondering: should I set up a survey at surveymonkey and try to pare down my questions to 8 or 9, or should I host the survey and discussion at whedonresearch and heavily monitor discussion so that no one starts something? If you were hoping to get the best range of opinions from the Whedon fandom, what would you do?

Grrr, why is this so difficult?!

feminism, f-list love, fandom, cult television, buffy essays, buffy, buffy studies

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