Oh sweet God.

Nov 16, 2005 22:04

Look, I deleted the last post because I was trying to be a mature person and not let this get out of hand.  But according to sources, this is now war.

Before you all cast your stones, take a look at yourselves.  How many times are you absent or late? I'll start counting for all of you if you like.  How many of you were trying to be responsible this semester and taking more classes than probably humanly possible because you wanted to graduate? How many of you have REAL jobs? Give some perspective. I'm not perfect.  You're not perfect which is why I don't give you shit when you walk in late or don't show up for class or whatever.

If you think I'm irresponsible, you have no fucking clue about my life.  I work 20+ hours a week to support myself because I don't want to be a burden on my parents.  I'm not always at the theatre because I'm at home studying.  Is that irresponsible?

So shut all of your mouths and just wait. I've had a bad semester beyond what any of you can imagine. It has effected my work, and I AM SORRY.  Next semester will be different.

And everyone quit it about the make-up class. And the design. I'm really sorry that none of you get to do it, but suck it up. You can't always have your way in this business.  I know that and so do you.  There are other make-up designs.

As for the show: there'll always be another time to be in Guys and Dolls. This is my time to do the class so I can graduate. So drop that one, too. I'm past it.

Just grow up, people. Do you know how immature the whole campus thinks this group of people is? Why do you think they think that?  None of you really need to worry about what happens with me. I'm not making your grades for you or showing up to class for you. You do that. You do what you have to do and that's all that matters. 
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