My Cats' Opinion of SPN 6.01

Sep 25, 2010 13:39

Mind you, I'm guessing here, since I don't actually speak fluent cat, no matter how much of a crazy cat lady you all think I am. But as I was cleaning just now I discovered that someone had been up on the highest shelf of Yarn!chesters.

(I keep meaning to take a picture of the most recent Yarn!chester display. The lowest level is atop my DVD racks and it's Sam, Bobby, Dean and Cas. Then there's the top of the stereo cabinet, beside the DVD rack, and that's Pamela, Ellen, Jo, Ash, Chuck and Becky, as well as most of the props, including some of the 'set pieces' from my Two of Pentacles card that you haven't seen yet because I haven't yet gotten it back from the mods. Then Mary, John, Meg, the YED, Lilith and Henricksen are on the very tallest shelf along with the original Sam and Dean. At one point I'd planned on having a kind dead vs. alive thing going on, but people die a *lot* on SPN, and also sometimes they aren't dead and sometimes they are, and yeah... So now it's the four I need most often for taking to Flurry's within easy reach, people who were at the Roadhouse or might have enjoyed it, and then everyone else. Got that?)

ANYWAY. As I was cleaning I discovered that someone (read: Callie) had toppled the YED over, although he was still on his shelf, simply clinging to the legs of a wooden giraffe to keep from tumbling to the ground. And Henricksen was not only no the floor but partially undressed!! Somehow he'd lost half his FBI jacket, although he was still firmly in his FBI bullet-proof vest.

So my reading of the situation? One of my fuzzies (and not Jack because there's no way he could get his chubby 18pound self atop the stereo cabinet, let alone the top shelf, let alone without destroying all the things) thinks that while it was good that there were references to the YED, more would have been better, and also, dammit, bring back Henricksen somehow.

At least, that's how I read the yarn-feline-situation. :D

cats, yarn!chesters

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