Vancouver Supernatural Convention, Part 2 (Sunday)

Sep 03, 2010 19:41


8:30am Breakfast with Jensen and Jared

Of course, it’s not really breakfast with the Js, it’s breakfast at which the actors appear on a stage for a while. This is not to say that I was disappointed because I wasn’t-it’s not like the Js could sit at the same table as 100 gold ticket holders. The only disappointment was timing. The doors opened at 8:30, and since it was buffet, the tables (to which people were assigned) were let up to get their cereal and fruit and bagels, a few at a time so that there were no congestions. Again, understandable. But the Js showed up while we were getting our food, which meant we had to sit down quickly and stay there-meaning I didn’t get breakfast. (I need something bread-like in the morning to go with my caffeine so that I can take my medicine.)

That said, the Js were awesome. Jared told a story about going to Cirque du Soleil, and mimed a magician who stole his brother-in-law’s tie. Then there was some discussion of his going to the Olympics and seeing figure skating-at which point Jensen informed him he was talking way too much about figure skating, and conversation turned to hockey. (Jensen pointed out that how as an American he was, of course, hoping for an American win, but then he realized what a miserable week at work they’d then have, what with the Canadian crew.)

The best part for me was the announcement that both actors had extended their originally six-year contracts into a seventh. HUZZAH! While this does not mean that there will be a seventh season, it does mean that there’s a possibility. (As weird as station execs might be, no one, not even Dawn Ostroff, could be sane and think that there’s a Supernatural without both Jensen and Jared.) So, fingers crossed. Of course, it’s weird to think about a season 7 when the premiere of season six hasn’t even aired.

Jensen spoke a bit about his directing debut. It’s the fourth episode to air, but the first they filmed, so that he could do the pre-production work. (It did mean he couldn’t do the post-production.) The episode is called “Weekend at Bobby’s,” and it’s mostly about Bobby, as you might well imagine. Jensen had only wonderful things to say about working with Jim Beaver, as one would expect. Jared isn’t in it much, which left him have an extra bit of time off.

There was talk of pranks, of course, and Jared told his side of the Misha Collins phone story. HE says that Misha filmed for a few hours and left his new iPhone 4 on set, so Jared used it to text himself, one letter at a time, “I should not leave my phone on set,” etc. He chose his own phone to text to because, well, he needed the texts to go somewhere in order to cost Misha money. But then he remembered that receiving texts also costs money, so he had his own bill to contend with. He then decided he had to call China with Misha’s phone, so he ran around set asking people if they knew any Chinese phone numbers, and then just started punching numbers in until he, apparently, reached Thailand. He spoke as slowly as he could so that whoever he’d reached he’d stay on with as long as possible in order to cost Misha money.

It sounds like Misha gives as good as he gets, of course. Apparently Jared got a call at 2:30am one night, Misha asking, “Are you on set?” Jared was all, Yeah, of course, and was worried, thinking maybe Misha needed help, maybe his wife had gone into labor. (I don’t tend to pay much attention to the actors’ real lives, but I have to admit I had no idea that Vikki (Vicky? How does she spell it?) was pregnant, let alone 8months so.) Misha’s answer was that he just wanted Jared to know that his work (Jared’s) was paying for his kayak vacation. (Misha gets paid whether he’s in an episode or not.)

Jensen pointed out that maybe they shouldn’t pull pranks on Misha any more since he’s going to be a father. (Dude, can you imagine Misha as your DAD?) Then they both agreed that no, that’s not necessary as long as they don’t involve the kid. Jensen even went so far as to say, “Who knows if it’s even his kid?” Aaaand that was a bit much, everyone seemed to realize at the same moment. (Given the rumors about Misha’s marriage, and the research that Vicky apparently does, it might have been too close to the truth?) Jensen was all, Oh crap, was that my outside voice? Jared broke the ACK moment by saying they weren’t sure it was her kid, either. (Jared did suggest a prank where it looks like they’re holding the baby, but aren’t really, and then drop it.)

Once the Js left the stage (to immediately do photo ops), the gold ticket holders cleared out too. (Besides which, while the Js were talking, the staff took away all the food.) We dashed downstairs to get in line (seats, really, but still) for our Jensen photo op.

9:45am Solo Photo Ops with Jensen
Unlike all the other actors, the Js didn’t let more than 2 people in a photo. (I’m not complaining-I’d obviously have loved it if all four of us could have been in the photo, but I completely understand the necessity for stringent rules with the most popular actors, especially given the, uh, antics at other cons.) Opal and DI waited in line with us, then took our stuff so that Spade and I could go into the room unencumbered. I took ami!Sam and ami!Dean, but was too scared to ask Jensen to hold Dean (and later there were announcements about no props-but that was after this decision anyway), so held him myself.

As with the previous days, I was of two minds about the whole experience. On one hand, these are famous people, talented and, it goes without saying, gorgeous. On the other hand, they’re just people… And it didn’t help that I’d gotten the impression that Jensen really doesn’t like cons. (Again, given what’s happened in the past, can you blame him??) But he was very nice during our 2.3 seconds in the photo frame with him. And he asked about our shirts-the ones that Spade had designed-and seemed intrigued by them. He also shook Spade’s hand as we left the photo-area.

As we left that photo-op, Cliff Kosterman asked about the shirts, too. Spade had gotten three extras made-one for Jared, one for Jensen and one for Misha-and had put them with the gifts, but hadn’t left any note or anything. I don’t know when/if the actors got the shirts (or how they felt about them) but Cliff had definitely seen the gift ones. This amuses me, and ought to please Spade. :)

Then it was back to the main room to wait for the…

10:30am Duo Photo Op with Jensen/Jared
We waited again for a while in the main room. Again, only 2 of us could get our photo done. Spade and I agreed who we’d stand next to (me: Jared; her: Jensen. It was not a difficult choice.) Something funny had happened with the person before us (it may have been the woman who hugged Jensen, positioning herself away from Jared, who stood there hands out, all, “wha?”) so there wasn’t much attention on us for the photo. We took the picture, we thanked them. (EVERYONE talks about how tall Jared is. I’m 5’3”-I’m used to men being taller than I am, and I dated a guy who was 6’4”. That said, when I turned to thank Jared, I realized even when looking up, I was looking at his chest. I don’t mind looking at his chest, but then had to look more up, of course, to properly thank him.)

As Spade and I were walking out, a staff member chased us down-evidently someone had blinked and we had to get our photo redone. We were put back in line at the front (I apologized to the person we cut in front of, but she was fine.) Spade joked around with the harried woman in charge (she sighed when she realized we had to go again.) We repositioned ourselves, as I apologized to Jensen and Jared, “Sorry! One of us blinked!” Jared said “no problem,” and Jensen said, “I blame Jared.” This made Spade and I smile again, and the photo was over.

Aaaand, back into line in the main room.

11:15am Photo Op with Jared
As with the Jensen, I carried the Yarn!chesters into the photo op, and again did not draw attention to them. Jared, however, did recognize Spade and I, “Oh, it’s the blinkers!” hee. :D (Our shirts made us really easy to recognize, of course, but still.) We promised to try not to blink and apparently it went fine because no one chased us down for a re-take. We’d flanked Jared for the picture, and as we left Spade was all, “Oh my god his back muscles!” Heh. I don’t know what else to say about this part-he was very nice, the actors have a weird job, he’s gorgeous, and… yeah, nothing surprising. :)

12:30pm Jared and Jensen on stage

There were about five seats in our row (E) that no one had used all weekend. We figured that for sure they’d be used on Sunday for the Js, but no. And we’d checked with one of the staff-as long as they didn’t show up, we could totally use them, so we slid closer to the center, with better views of the guys.

Jared’s microphone didn’t work to his satisfaction, so he stole the one from the stage left. This led to some issues hearing the people on that side at times (and Jensen blaming Jared.)

The only cringe-worthy moment of the con, alas, happened at this point. Some guy asked something (on the not-quite working mic) about fanmade videos about Dean and Castiel. Jensen said something to the effect of, “I’m going to answer that by not answering it, because that’s not what the show’s about.” And on one hand, yeah, okay. And on the other hand, why did this guy ask the question?! And on the third hand (it’s a monster), the show kinda does hint at something pretty fierce between Dean and Castiel. (And that’s coming from *me*, who is totally not a slasher.)

Someone asked the guys what the most awkward moment they’ve ever had with fans and Jared answered that that question, that moment was the most awkward moment ever. Jensen actually said-and this surprised me-that the fans were really awesome. Buuuut then he said that someone had mailed a “spell” (??) which involved “used underwear” to his parents, and generally admonished fandom for it a little. Jared told Jensen he shouldn’t refer to it as used underwear, and this started a whole conversation about underwear…

Jared talked again about the phone-thing. Jensen talked more about directing.

Someone asked about the difference between filming a horror movie and filming a horro tv show. Jared answered that “The horror movies don’t have Jensen in them,” to which Jensen responded, “And they’re called The Christmas Cottage.” BWAH! I turned to Spade and DI and said, “It’s funny ‘cause it’s true.”

Every time someone asked Jensen a specifically Jensen question, Jared pretended to sleep. When it was a question for both of them, he’d ask, “Can Jensen answer?” -- even once when it was a question for Jared, he asked, “Can Jensen answer?”

One question was how much of themselves were in their performances in Supernatural, and during it Jared mis-spoke, saying, “There’s been scenes in our 110 episodes where I’ve been similar to Jared…” And of course the audience laughed at the gaffe, to which Jared responded, “Your laughter hurts!” which came up a couple of times, too.

I wish I’d written this on Sunday night when I originally planned because I’ve forgotten so much of it. Fortunately I’m still quite clear on how awesome the weekend was. :) The guys were fabulous-Jared seemed to really enjoy being there especially.

After the Js on stage, the four of us left to check out of our hotel room, getting back just in time for the next onstage…

1:50pm Brock Kelley (Young Dean Winchester)

This was Brock’s first con and he was clearly very nervous, but also ador(k)able. Fans asked questions about filming and rehearsing, particularly with Jensen and with Colin Ford, and how he got his start in acting. There were sillier questions, too, in which fans learned that if he could have any pet, Brock Kelly would have a T-Rex, and he would ride upon its head. The best part was how certain he sounded about this choice, whereas he was a bit more reticent about just about everything else! But the T-Rex upon whose head he’d ride? Completely certain.

2:30pm Autographs with Jensen and Jared
As with the other autograph sessions, we sat in our seats and waited to be called up into line. (I crocheted until I ran out of the yarn I need for yarn!Gabriel’s outer shirt, then started making notes on how to make the yarn!Impala.) Jensen and Jared don’t personalize their autographs so the lines moved quickly. And Jensen doesn’t say much so that makes it faster, too.

As we neared the signing table, we saw Clif Kosterman with a giant bowl of potato chips, and this amused me for some reason. Spade asked a nearby staff/volunteer if she could take a picture of Cliff, and of course the answer was no, but it actual led to a nice conversation with the volunteer. (Apparently SPN fangirls have nothing on Twi-hards as far as Teh Crazy.) Spade had, just that afternoon, made a sketch for Jared and Jensen to sign, and when Jensen saw it he seemed to take a nice, impressed, long look at it. When he went to sign my poster-which was the one everyone bought, with all the guests on it-he seemed to have trouble figuring out where to sign because Misha Collins, with his “[Eilonwy] <3”before his name had signed across Jensen’s chest/shoulder. So Jensen signed across his own and Jared’s heads. I thanked him for the autograph and he looked up and smiled and that was that. (I had heard that he didn’t even do that-it probably helped that I was in the fifth row and so only 100 or so autographs in, but still.)

I mentioned to Spade, as we crossed the auditorium to join the Jared line, the difficulty that Jensen had had in finding a place to sign. She and DI insisted that I mention this-more specifically the fact that it looked like Misha intentionally made it difficult for Jared and Jensen-to Jared. Uhh, okay… crap.

Jared’s handler showed him where to sign on Spade’s sketch, saying, “You’re to sign here.” Spade pointed out that he could sign anywhere he wanted, to which Jared said, “I’m an actor, I do as I’m told.” Hee.

Then as he signed mine (across his own chest/shoulder), I said the thing about Misha making it as difficult as possible for anyone else to sign, and Jared agreed, saying, “Yeah, that little punk. Don’t worry, we’ll get him back.” Hee! Then DI suggested, “If you can, catch it for the gag reel. Fans would love to see it.” And Jared grinned and said, “Yeah! Good!” as if this were the best idea ever. (And it kind of is, even if it’s highly unlikely.) So that was all really awesome.

4:25pm John Marcynuk (Art Director and Co-Designer)
Marcynuk showed a power point, beginning with a whole bunch of slides from Dark Angel. As much as I’m interested in set design (and I really really am), I didn’t find this part all that interesting because I’ve never seen Dark Angel. Then he moved on to talking about Supernatural and info on various sets and locations that they had decorated. That was much more interesting. (They had to build Heaven’s Green Room - which they call The Beautiful Room-twice. And they used the same set-redecorated-as the Burlesque for the “Cherry Pie” dream scene for Dean! This amuses me.

Then, despite my abject terror, I asked about the Spiky Clock. Yup, sure did. I couched it in terms about general re-used items, and how much of it was convenience and how much was significance, but did specifically mention the spiky clock and “Dream a Little Dream of Me” and “Yellow Fever.” Mr Marcynuk immediately answered, “Convenience,” and that only one painting was ever reused intentionally (after being reused several times unintentionally), and they aren’t trying to embed any deeper meanings. But he also mentioned that he couldn’t remember the spiky clock in question, but that someone else had asked about it, too. During the con, they were filming episode 6.06, so it’ll be interesting to watch the episodes right after that one for the spiky clocks… :D

The End…

And that was that… The only things left were the secondary photo ops with Jared, which was simultaneous to John Marcynuk’s talk, an auction (which there was no way I could afford anything at despite the claim that “many cool items await those that seek bargains,” ha!), and photo ops and autographs with Brock Kelley.

It was really sad for it all to be over. And there wasn’t even a closing ceremony the way there’d been for NADWC. I’d love to go to next year’s (Jared, Jensen and Misha have all already agreed to attend), but I can’t get the money together in time to buy the ticket. Maybe 2012?

pictures, supernatural, vancouver

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