Blogathon 2010

Jul 31, 2010 15:57

As you may have noticed, I am not currently participating in Blogathon 2010, despite how much I considered it a few months ago. This wasn't a casual, slipped-my-mind kind of decision, it was a considered one. I had planned on doing the 'thon to raise money for cancer research, at the time in memory of my paternal grandfather and honor of my maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother (and also pryite's father). Since then, as you know, my grandmother also passed away, and while I don't know what the "official" cause of death was (although I assume it pertains most directly to stroke), it was certainly complicated by her cancer. (Her strokes, not just recently but over the past few years, could not be treated/prevented because of her cancer, which could not be treated because of her heart... she was very unhealthy for a long time.) So it would have made sense to do Blogathon in memory of both of them...

But my grandmother's death hit me very hard. She was a close friend, and I adored her, and it was sort of the culmination of both my grandparents' deaths, and... yeah. I haven't really been okay since then, well, since England, really, and to add the prep work for Blogathon atop the fairly busy schedule of teaching for Summer Bridge, I just didn't have the emotional or mental (or even physical) capacity to do it right. Add to that the whole Official Blogathon fell apart and it just felt like the universe saying it was okay for me not to do it this year, it wasn't meant to be. I could have made the time this weekend (I actually have no papers to read or grade!) but I hadn't gotten my various support teams together (people who had evinced interest in joining me one way or another, etc.) or the blog itself, and such. So. I shall try to do good in other ways, and Blog next year, I hope.

All that said? Just because I'm slacking doesn't mean that there aren't incredible, generous people out there blogging their hearts out in efforts to raise money for worthwhile causes.

Slipjig is blogging to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, in honor of his mother. As I know some people with MS, people who, I quite selfishly, desperately want to keep in my life for as long as possible, I approve of Slipjig's cause. I also approve of Slipjig's format-- he's doing fun lists.

Shadesong is blogging to raise money for BARCC-- the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. I was going to write here about how incredible BARCC seems, but 'Song has already done so and I shall use her words: BARCC is the second oldest rape crisis center in the country, and one of the biggest, with a staff of 20 and a volunteer corps of 120+ who put in hours equivalent to 19 additional staff members. We have a 24-hour hotline and medical advocacy program (medical advocates go to the hospital with survivors for evidence collection), a community awareness/public education/outreach program (which is really unique and ever-expanding), legal advocacy, legislative advocacy (we helped change the law on restraining orders recently so you can get one if you're not in an intimate relationship with your stalker, go us!), case management, and counseling (up to twelve sessions).

'Song and BARCC work tirelessly to not only help survivors in Boston, but also to work to change the way our current culture leads to these crimes. So don't think that they're just doing good works in Boston.

I highly recommend donating to both the above, and not just 'cause they're being advocated for by LJ friends of mine who are losing sleep and probably brain cells over this. :)

ALSO, another way to help BARCC would be to bid on auction items that 'Song has gathered from incredibly talented artists.

(I do not have anything on that auction list, although 'Song was kind enough to invite me. See above re: lack of emotional/physical/mental capacity.)

You should ALSO ALSO go and check out the variety of other awesome bloggers who pulled together despite the implosion of the Official Blogathon spot. Check out Blogathon 2010 to see who all is blogging and their charities.


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