I have no idea how this episode will turn out, but having just rewatched 5.17 I figure I should start with a preemptive "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNN YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU KRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPKEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
It's T-minus three minutes. Not quite enough time to write a post about my experiences at the glasses place today (sigh) but long enough to suffer through the teen-age angst of nearly-thirty year olds on Vampire Diaries. And for Flurry to watch WoW clips/songs on WoW... So strangely animated characters are singing "work. work work work" to my left and sulky vampiric peeps are drinking blood and brooding.
THEN! Zachariah! Everyone is green shaded. Ghoul!Adam! Dead!Adam! YOU'RE A GHOUL! Joshua!
"Are you going to do something stupid?" Lisa!
"What was your crime against the humanity?"
Well, funny you should ask...
"No. My boss."
Nice. I'd have preferred, "Earthquake?" "Nah, archangel."
Uh-oh. A happy Zachariah is a dangerous beastie.
Also, the angels killing people just to chat with other angels is a perfect example of how they only see the bigger picture.
The what travel inn? Did it say Kripke's?
Crappity crap crap crap. Food has arrived (yay) and I had to sign for it, adn I'm missing this important brotherly moment and holycrap dean do not
do not do it Deeeeeeeeeann.
"You're not all hopped up on demon blood this time." Dean, I'm sorry, but you have to get over that.
Hiya Bobby. "What the hell happened to you?" Thank you, Bobby. "You can't give up, son." YES, THIS BOBBY.
Beatrice is steeling parts of my new yarn!chester, dammit.
"Because I promised you!" Booobbbbyyyyyyyy.
"Something's happening." Thank you, Castiel. That was very informative.
Go, Cas, go!
"Help!" I love a man (angel?) who knows how to make an entrance.
"Who is it?"
Adam! I was wondering why he was in the preview. I have mixed feelings about this.
I saw today that someone had posted a meta about reds and blues this season, and another about greens. I haven't had a chance to read them yet, but am looking forward to it. This episode is very green heavy, too. Makes me think of season four's green room.
And Beatrice just came barreling down the stairs and across the living room. Okay. Aaaand three seconds later it was back across the living room and up the stairs. She's in quite the mood.
There will likely be less commentary in the next section 'cause I'm hungry and I wanna eat my pita.
The title makes me think of the movie, which in turn makes me think of "You dropped your ravioli. And your ravioli. And oh look, it's ravioli."
"All that talk about destiny and they have a plan B?" DENSITY. Heh. GO TEAM FREE WILL.
Then again, I imagine that it's just to make Dean say yes. Gah.
"We may be blood, but we are not family. And if I do my job, I get to see her again." Funny, that was the same thing the Whore of Babylon told the parents of Dylan last week.
"Dad was trying to protect you."
"Well, I guess the monster that ate me didn't get that memo." Heh.
"You remember that, huh?"
"Oh yeah."
"I cooked my own dinners, I put myself to bed." Etc. Gee, funny, that's exactly what Sam and Dean did, too.
Flurry: He's got 'tude.
Sam: I tell you one think, and attitude like that, you'll fit right in around here.
"You know Cas, not for nothing', but the last person who looked at me like that, I got laid." Really Dean, really?
"I'm tired, man. I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be." Noooooooo.
"I don't believe."
"In what?"
"In you."
I called that. But dammit dammit dammit.
"...I do know they're going to find a way to turn you." No no nonononononono. J'refuse.
Flurry has pushed Yarn!Dean away, face against the futon. "You're on your own, Dean."
So Dean is preemptively saying yes to Michael because he doesn't trust Sam? Holy fuck, no. Nononononononononononono. No. Nonono.
Spade and I did guess that Dean would say yes but Sam wouldn't. I really really really want Sam to NEVER say yes in the hopes that THAT is what will redeem him in Dean's eyes.
Flurry is now cuddling Cas and saying, "You're being such a douche, Dean."
My response? Yes, yes he is.
Flurry: So much so that I'm yelling at the tv!
Me: Yes, dear, the people in the box can't actually hear you.
Flurry: Grr.
Beatrice managed to steal all the pieces of my mini-yarnchester and scatter them about the room. It was like a yarn massacre!
That was a yummy sammich.
I missed a huge chunk of the episode 'cause of that sammich, though. On the bright side, I'm pretty sure I can get Flurry to reenact the episode with the yarn!chesters. At the moment, however, she is balancing all three of them on top of each other, a "Totem o' Winchester. And Castiel." According to Flurry. I will try to get a picture of this later, too.
[NOTE: I did get a picture of the totem, and will post it later or tomorrow. Flurry, however, has refused to reenact her brilliance.]
I think I need to find a way to make a green room. But not out of yarn. Given that I've been planning a yarn!impala for almost a year and haven't even started it, I don't think a yarn green room will happen.
Flurry: My totem! (Sam fell, you see.)
Sam: When push comes, you'll make the right call.
I dunno that I agree. But I'm glad to see that Sam trusts Dean ("you're still my big brother") in precisely the way that Dean does not trust Sam.
Hey, having a second episode with Adam in makes him eligible for yarn!chester status.
Me: Holy crap, Cas took off his tie.
Flurry: I'm casual-Cas.
Dean: Isn't that suicide?
Castiel: Maybe it is. But then I won't have to be around to see you fail.
Ouch. Which reminds me that the important part I didn't comment on (sammich's fault) was Castiel's "I rebelled for this?!" moment.
Me: Go, Cas, go!
Flurry: Kill!
Um... Cas? Meep.
Me: Why is there a building inside a building? Where the hell are we?
Flurry: Why not? That's your house!
Oh. The green room... is inside a house inside a warehouse...
SAM! :(
Zach has a hell of a fondness for making Winchesters vomit blood.
FUCKETTY FUCK FUCK. I'm SURE Sam would rather die than have Dean say yes. Adam... give or take. He's been recently dead anyway.
Nononononono. STOP IT. Do NOT let Zachariah do this!
Zach: ::chants slowly::
Flurry: Mitsubishi. Honda.
Zach: He's coming.
Dean: Michael can't have me until he disintegrates you.
Zachariah: Michael's not going to kill me.
Dean: But I am.
Flurry: Rar! Creepy, but yahh!
Michael: ::High pitched shrieking noise::
Flurry: Oh shit.
Oh no, ADAM!! I mean, I kinda figured he'd not make it out of this one, but still.
Don't turn! Your eyes--- wait, why aren't his eyes...
Holycarp, maybe Adam really can be a vessel? And he's already said yes, before... Mergle.
Flurry: RARRRR!
Me: There's a few more minutes.
Flurry: STILL.
Me: Y'know, I missed a huge chunk of the episode 'cause of my sammich. You'll have to reenact for me.
Flurry: No.
Me: Please?
Flurry: No. Only once.
Me: ::using ami!Sam:: Pleeeeeease?
Flurry: ::using ami!Dean:: No. Cut your hair.
I'm pouting. Seriously, it was hilarious. :(
pouty-pout pout.
Sam: You think Adam's okay?
Uh, no?
Dean: I look over at you, and I think, the stupid son of a bitch brought me here. I didn't want to let you down.
Dean: If you've grown up enough to have faith in me, the least I can do is have the same for you.
Screw Destiny, right in the face. (Um, ouch.) GO TEAM FREE WILL.
Sorry guys. I tried really hard but Flurry refused to reenact the Yarn!chester stuff. I'm really quite upset about this, in fact. Sorry to disappoint. :( She won't even tell me why she won't reenact it. :(