I may have overdone it a bit as my ankle aches... :P
I couldn't use my "regular" elliptical as someone was on it, so I used the one that doesn't have arm-thingies. (Yes, technical term.)
I did 30 minutes (plus 5 of cooldown) using the pre-programmed "interval" function. This meant that for 2minutes I'd do a 1 resistance and 4cross-ramp (I haven't a clue why it's called a "cross ramp", but I think it just means incline0, then for 2minutes it'd be bumped up to a 10cross-ramp and 8 resistance. I think I did pretty well. I kept my speed fairly regular despite the changes in intensity. (i did 2.66miles).
The machine has a built in heart-rate monitor, and it informed me that my max heart rate was 188, and that I was generally at 160-something. Unfortunately, I have no idea if that's good/bad for me. I did a quick google search on heart rate and exercise and discovered that a Target Heart Rate for me is actually much lower... And that my maximum heart rate is probably 190, so perhaps I was close to killing myself... I don't think so, though...
I dunno. Turns out it's all much more complicated than I anticipated.
Also, I don't think I've ever sweat so much so quickly. Ew. (Yes, I'm clean now. I showered before writing this up.)
With the interval, I couldn't read (even though I wasn't using the hand thingies) so that's not good. I might be able to manage a magazine, but not the paperback. (Too much movement to either keep it on the wee ledge on the machine-- too far away, too bouncy-- or to hold the book-- I really needed my hands on the bars during the high intensity bits.
Don't know what I'll do tomorrow, but I probably won't do *such* intensity again for a while 'cause, as I said, I think I may have overdone my poor left ankle.
Gonna pick up handweights tonight or tomorrow night, though, for in-apartment arm work as per previous work-out post.
Exercise Endorphins: Still a myth.