Jan 06, 2010 12:49
I'm back in AZ as of last night, and today I'm in sooper-dooper accomplishing mode. Well, sort of.
Thus far today (after getting up at 10amish, and it is now not-quite-1ish) I have:
-Emailed the Renaissance Colloquium re: this semester's meetings
-Finished my spring 101 syllabus (and emailed it off to my mentor)
-hunted down a copy of a letter I need for insurance purposes
-called a pharmaceutical company to find out where my drugs are!
-emailed my committee to beg to schedule my comps (eek)
-located necessary form for professor to fill out/sign
In a moment I will be writing a letter to my insurance company, requesting a course shell and paying bills. (Presumably not simultaneously.
This afternoon I will:
-go to the grocery store
-go to Staples
-maaaybe return to the key to EcoBooks (depending entirely one whether it looks like Boss is there)
-mail the above mentioned insurance company letter (if I can get my printer to print it)
-de-decorate my apartment of Christmas type stuff :(
This evening I will:
-type up the info I gleaned yesterday from two books read on the plane for comps
-read/note another book for comps
At some point I will:
-take the pictures off of my camera and post them online (yarn!chesters! alpacas! puppies and kitties!)
-update LJ on: alpaca farm; family; random stuff