Today I accomplished:

Oct 06, 2009 22:55

I would, of course, have liked to get more done today. That said, what I did do wasn't bad. I had off, you see, 'cause my German prof has canceled class today and Thursday. In like-fashion, I canceled my office hours (although I informed students they could happily make appointments for MWF. So far only one has.)

So I slept in ('til 10!) In not this order, I:
-did dishes
-straightened kitchen
-took out the trash
-straightened up my living room (this included putting away a ton of yarn from the most recent Yarn!chesters. But Ellen is finished and Jo just needs two more colors.)
-canceled my appointment with the Evil ENT (left a message, and informed them why I was canceling it, in fact. So there.)
-commented on 101 papers for tomorrow
-graded 8 of the 221 papers
-wrote the midterm questions for 221
-filled a box o' goodies for Pyrite
-wound yarn (for Pyrite's box) into center pull balls (also, a skein I'm apparently selling to V. tomorrow on campus. Woot.)
-bought some groceries (yay! I won't starve!)

There's tons more to do (I called my life triage over on Facebook) but overall, productive.

It is now 11. Rather than being smart and going to bed, I am going to watch an episode of Criminal Minds while I knit for a bit. (I'm taking a wee break from crochet. I will hopefully soon finish ami!Jo, and then there will be a longer break from the Yarn!chesters-- I'll talk about that later, though.)

I should be home by about 2/2:30 tomorrow. And it's Wednesday-- that means Criminal Minds, woot! Also, more grading (grading, grading) and my German homework and other stuff... But whateves...

Here, have some exciting information about Beowulf that I bet you didn't know. I sure didn't, 'til one of my students informed me in his paper:

"Beowulf was brought to Denmark to fight the dragon, Grendel, which was terrorizing the city and needed to be stopped. "

(Also, Beowulf is a novel, and the character of Beowulf turns to God to help him through the conflicts in his life...)

"During the fight Beowulf loses what is is his closest companion during all of his battles, and that was his sword."

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