La la la. Nothing much to really say today, at least thus far. I overslept (as per usual) by several hours. (I am calling a doctor tomorrow. Again.) I've been hanging out in pjs (since I didn't yesterday, despite getting such a lot of encouragement to do so via Twitter.) I've been crocheting and watching SPN (season 1, which is fitting since I'm working on ami!John. More on him below.) I got to chat with my
Pyrite for a while, though, which was fabulous. I miss her lots. :( Why's AL got to be so far from AZ? Poooo. Caught up on LJ and Twitter and my Google Reader and comments in my inbox. So that's all good.
Am about to go take a shower so's that I'm not all gross for the Quit This Bitch party tonight. (It's not a "party" in the sense of loud raucous music and a ton of people. I suspect it'll be more of a get-together or a soirée. There'll be a handful of awesome peoples, there'll be booze (sangria and plum wine, at least. I'm bringing the latter as I finally went to the liquor store yesterday [with Heather for company] and the former is
Flurije's contribution.) I'm, evidently, in charge of picking up hummus and pita, so hopefully Whole Foods (or another grocery store) will still be open (despite the holiday) when it's time for me to head out. There'll more than likely be a bad movie to watch, so I'm packing up some crochet stuff to take with me.
Irritatingly, while on the phone with Pyrite, Foster-Kitty-Dean start gnawing on some straight pins I had stuck into a foam thingie that I use for blocking knitting pieces. (It currently holds two knit circles that will, eventually, be part of a felted wristlet. I had to block them, though, so that they'd stop rolling up (stockinette stitch) when I go to put a design on them. See, it's going to be a Devil's Trap wristlet. Hee.) So I removed the kitten, and then took the potentially gnaw-able pins out of the foam and put them into my pin cushion. I have since, however, lost the pin cushion. This is very irritating, as it means that I can't place ami!John's legs to see how he looks before I sew them on. Grr.
Speaking of ami!John, I need your advice. Ami!John currently has a head, a body, two arms, one leg, two feet, and I'm almost done with the second leg. He'll have an overshirt and, hee, an over coat, which is my challenge for myself in this ami. (Dean and Sam only have one layer atop their undershirts. Castile, too, but since his is a trenchcoat I forgive myself for not putting in his blazer. That said, I'm thinking about going back and adding one. But I digress. Ami!Bobby has two layers-- his over shirt and his (removable) vest. So ami!John's overcoat (the one seen in episodes like "Dead Man's Blood" and "Salvation") is the next logical step. It will be, hopefully, removable, you see. I'm very excited. Essentially I'll be making a vest like ami!Bobby's but longer, and adding sleeves. Which makes sense, right?
BUT, after all that's done, it'll be time to do his hair. This includes, potentially, facial hair. Now, John Winchester, while a very very important character, and one with whom I am sympathetic (as a person, if not as a father), is not a character about whom I have strong opinions as far as appearances go. So. What do you guys think? (Someone out there has a strong opinion, given how many of you voted for ami!John. Plus, I'm deep enough in the fandom to know that some of you adore him.)
Should my ami!John have a full beard, ala "Home" (such as
here) and slightly less full as in "Shadow" (such as
Or should he have the scruffy look he had in "Dead Man's Blood" (
here) and "Salvation" (
Or should he be clean-shaven (which is not what I expect) as in the flashbacks, such as "Something Wicked" (
here or the pilot (
(I'm guessing not so much the cleanshaven look since that's mostly a flashback thing. I include it in the options mainly from a desire to be thorough.)
This is very important, drat it, so let me know what you think! (If I don't get any advice, I'm going to aim for the scruffy look ala "Dead Man's Blood" because that's actually the outfit and coat I'm also modeling ami!John after. But I'm nervous about making a scruffy look-- I'm not sure how. That'll be the other challenge with this ami!)
Anyway, now a shower. Wheee.
(Oh! Also! I'm thinking that instead of remaking ami!Dean and ami!Sam-- because that would be a bit sad-- I might just use the ones I have but change a few things. I could make them jackets, presumably. I could re-do Sam's hoodie, since I'm still not happy with the way the hem turned out. This wouldn't fix the size issue (that Dean is very chubby compared to the others) but I kind of like him as is... Similarly, I think I could add a bit of crochet to make ami!Castiel look like he's wearing a blazer under his trenchcoat. Conversely, I could just remake ami!Sam and ami!Dean to make the new ones look more like ami!Castiel and ami!Bobby. I dunno. I'm torn.)
Next new ami is ami!Chuck. I'm very excited about that one. After that, I'll probably hold a new poll since so many votes went to John and Chuck in the first one that the rest of the characters all got between 1 and 3. I also meant to put Ava and Andy on that poll but didn't have room/forgot. My love for Ava and Andy, though, might be somewhat influenced by
Awesome Adventures of Andy and Ava. I suppose Uriel and Zachariah also belong on the poll, as at this point I'm just thinking of characters who were important and were in more than one episode. (Technically I guess that means Jake belongs on, too. And Tessa. And the YED, although then I'd need to buy yellow beads, heh.)
I guess I'll just never be finished with this project. (Since each ami takes about 1.5 weeks to make. Although if I EVER GET THE DAMN TORSO down to a science, they'll go much faster. That's the part I keep tearing out and restarting a billion times on each one.) The Sooper Sekrit Project of DOOM is also, technically, part of the Yarn!Chester project. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. (Sorry, I have to cackle each time I think of the Sooper Sekrit Project of DOOM. Or SSPoD, which is sort of fun to say ssssssssssssssspod.)
Right. What was I going to do? Oh yes, shower. I'm going to go do that.
Tomorrow: Morning: maintenance. AGAIN. Afternoon: Pericles playreading discussion. Guess I'd better reread Pericles in the morning, eh?