Jun 20, 2008 21:55
Time for more self-indulgence.
I dislike people who are quite obviously never going to do anything with their life - never take the chances the world presents them with and end up being housewives in some charming suburbian townhouse with two kids - a boy and a girl - and a husband who can't tell the kids apart because he works at some office from 9-5 but is never home to tuck the kids into bed. So the wife stays up half the night with a glass of red wine in one hand and a tissue in the other, waiting at the table with a warm roast for company and she finds solace in the fact that her husband said it was over between him and the blonde at work, even though he hasn't looked her fully in the eye for months now.
Sorry. Got a bit carried away.
I get quite agressive towards people who waste my time - you can waste your life, but you're sure as hell not wasting a second of mine. I'm petty - I dislike people who don't use proper English if they know how, it's very irritating. I really, really dislike creaking doors and scratched CDs.
I love hearing the TV downstairs at night. It lets me know that someone's still awake and it makes me feel secure. Some chords on a piano make me melt with happiness, but when joined with lovely lyrics my sensitive little heart implodes with joy. This is something I want everyone else in the world to experience and hopefully, with a little bit of luck, I will be able to do something along those lines.
Hm, I'm quiet, usually. Doesn't mean that I don't have anything to say, though.
Aren't I charming? All I ever seem to do here is talk about myself. Maybe I should write in third-person - maybe I won't seem so self-obsessed? It would definitely increase the sense of profundity that I'm trying to create here.
TIM MINCHIN IS GOD, by the way.