(no subject)

Mar 01, 2006 10:03

I am such a cheater.

Today, I'm not going to take the time for an original post. I've been very distracted whilst preparing for my trip to Florida. So, friends, you get... more poetry! Yeah, yeah, I can hear those groans from the peanut gallery. Sorry, but it's all I can muck up for now. Oh, and someone brought honey roasted peanuts to the office today... mmmmm!

Well, I found some things that I've written down. These are mostly free verse. I'm interested to know how they look from the perspective of someone else, since I already know what they're about. They're in no particular order.

I lack the lack of self-control
to do what I want, but know that I can't.
It's fear that binds me tighter than a rope.
I feel deeply, yet cannot sense... that you feel at all.
I feel, I fear, I've lost all sense of hope.
The patience that you have in spades has left me quite bereft.
I am alone. Will always be.
       And that is all that's left of me.
Written 4/23

Shivering in the cold, I watch you slowly fade away.
Claiming to still be here, but you know you left long ago.
I would have begged you to take me along,
but the deaf cannot hear what the blind cannot see.
I cannot save you or pull you back,
and now I'm slipping towards the point of no return.
My blood will chill, my heart give up...
the process already begun.
So cold here without you.
Open up... perhaps there's still time.
Written 4/1

Living and longing just isn't enough.
Keep reaching... keep grasping. Don't give up.
Failure. Killing dreams for years.
Are you going to give yours up with the masses?
Kick the pride and do a gut check.
Your driving force can't be your fears.
Look ahead. There are things beyond the "here" and the "now".
This pain, this anger, this injustice... it all ends.
Why do you let it control you?
Take a hold and Let Go. It's not yours anyway.
Don't accept the given, but reach for the impossible.
Someone has to take the first step.

Now I'm tending to wax philosophical... but oh well.

I believe that most, if not all, humans have an intense desire to be known. To be seen.
To know that in this daily struggle of existence that they haven't been overlooked.
Hoping that somewhere they will finally come across someone who will take the time to see all that is them, good and bad, and love them for it. To know that someone can see the worst part of you and not be repulsed, but compassionate. See your hopes and deepest desires and encourage rather than ridicule.

Left to ourselves, we are preyed upon by our worst fears,
our aspirations become childish fantasies
and we ourselves fade into the background.
A prisoner in our own mind.


Which of us does not, in truth, love ourselves,
daring to hope that someone could see all the pain and secret joy that makes us human and love us too?

See someone today.
See their hidden pain.
See their harnessed joy.
See the real them.

Don't let God's greatest creations be lost on you.

This is the way I think. Sooo... whaddya think?

10 Stars in my eyes - 7 Moonbeams
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